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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Thu, 21 Jan 1999 23:14:28 EST
Sonja Moore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my numerous questions.  I will
attempt to summarize below:

1.  I did not get very many responses as to how the doctor's may have
diagnosed me as a child back in 1983.  I am still unclear as to whether or not
doctors can get an idea of whether or not there is damage to the intestine
through a barium x-ray.  If any one has any info on this, I would appreciate

2.  Tons of responses indicated that yes, stress can definately be a trigger
of celiac disease. However, viruses can also be a trigger.

3.  I was surprised at how many responses I received stating that they, too,
experienced muscle twitching and it disappeared after they went gluten-free.
A lot of people have also experienced dizziness.  I am definately not alone,
which makes me feel much better!

4.  I also received responses that stated even if somebody is not anemic does
not mean that they are absorbing all of the necessary nutrients that the body
needs.  However, anemia is very common among celiacs.

Everyone's responses were reassuring and informative.  Ever since Celiac
disease has come into my life when my mom was diagnosed, I have been very
grateful for this list.  It is so nice to be able to turn to this list to talk
to other people who have dealt with this disease especially since some of
these doctors out there really don't seem to know much about this disease.

Thanks again!
