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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 00:22:38 +0100
text/plain (65 lines)
Hi Forest,

> >
> > As to your last statement, it sounds as if you are pleading for a
> > more progressive approach away from Nature rather than a more
> > natural and hence regressive approach which leads us back to
> > Nature and the foods we are actually supposed to eat and which
> > our bodies have been conditioned to eat for multimillions of
> > years (as compared to the relatively short period that man has utilised
> > fire for cooking purposes). Or am I reading between the lines
> > again?
> >
> alan, evolution or adaption is with nature rather than away from nature. all
> animals in nature will adapt or die if their environment changes the foods and
> habitat they live in. that is what is happening to our species due to
> population increase and deforestation.
Beware of using the word "adapt" or "adaptation" because we do not
adapt anywhere near as quickly as some people would like when it
comes to food. Most exist and die (too early) because of the
effects of food alone these days in the western world. Or do you
know of anyone who would deny that most of the civilization illnesses
that we die from come from the food we eat?

>  what i was/am saying is that to solve world problems by reverting back to
> cave man lifestyle has some merits but also may present serious limits in our
> ability to survive in the fast changing times we live in.
Whilst I admire and enjoy your posts, I sometimes get the impression
that they are more emotional than factual. I have never ever claimed that
we should "revert back to a cave man lifestyle". I merely say that we
can live on the types of food that cavemen (before the discovery of
fire and cooking) ate much better than the normal chemical goo that
we are being served and sold today. Neither have I ever said that
food alone is the answer to our health problems. Fresh air,
sunlight (not through a car or office window), good sleep,
moderate exercise, happiness, peace of mind and being loved and
giving love are equally important.

> also the diets of cave men may have served them well, but may have also
> contributed to the male dominant or alpha male dictatorship type society that
> the cave men and women experienced. how many of us today would be willing to
> accept the political mentality of a cave man type society with slavery, womens
> oppression, infanticide, barbaric battles over turf, etc.
After reading this I presume you are a lady and thus retract my
accusation that you are emotional rather than factual. Women are
much more emotional and my experience is that female emotions are
often more reliable than those of males. ;-)

> i would be willing to go back to the stone age with some folks if i thought
> they were really serious and used a consensus paradigm and modified diet
> rather than the traditional cave man style.

I'm not living like a caveman Forest. In fact I'm a systems man so
I am very much living in and with the technology of today. But I
still try to get in as much of those prerequisites I mentioned above
as I can..even if it means gardening in the sun rather than going
shopping in the local mall.

Best regards,
