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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 00:42:26 +0100
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi Carol (and Kirt),

Nieft / Secola wrote:
> Carol:
> >> I, like Kirt, have some trouble with the idea that seeds are not
> >> meant to be eaten.  If they are not, does that mean that animals for
> >> whom seeds are a major food source are not meant to exist?
No...it merely means that certain creatures are meant to eat
certain foods (some of which, as you are no doubt aware, are toxic
to humans).

> Alan:
> >Which animal eats seeds rather than the "flesh" surrounding some of
> >them? Which animal gains nutrients from seeds alone and is this
> >animal supposedly one of our forefathers?
> Which animal eats only the flesh surrounding the seed? And is this animal
> our "forefather"?
> Why would our "forefathers" need to eat only a single food in order to
> satisfy you that it may be an appropriate item in the human diet?

I never said that...I was merely implying that we get along better
with the type of diet eaten by chimps and bonobos (our nearest
cousins) than say the diet of a birds, mice or squirrels etc..

Best regards,
