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Sandy Rzetelny <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Nov 1998 00:28:27 EST
text/plain (19 lines)
In a message dated 11/25/98 11:51:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

 I assume you don't drink soft drinks from aluminum cans. The high acid
 content of soda would help release the aluminum.

 When I tested high for aluminum they said it could be aluminum that was
 stored in the body for a long time. Heavy metals are notorious for being
 hard to get rid of. Your high count could be finally dumping some
 aluminum out of the body. Keep up a clean life style and retest in
 another year. >>

Thanks for your post. No I haven't had soda from cans or anything from a can
for 3 years and not much before that. If this was just a detox- that would be

Love, Sandy