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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 00:21:34 +0100
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Hi Kirt,

> Alan:
> >Here a few more recent reports on milk for you to chew on (although I
> >don't intend to waste my time repeating tons of research reports
> >every time I open my mouth in this list). I just don't have the
> >time or the inclination and find mutual personal experiences from
> >say at least 20 people doing the same thing more reliable anyway.
> I missed the reference that showed that milk is bad for all people in all
> cases. I also missed the research showing that fasting for two weeks would
> be good for everyone. And I missed the research which showed that raw
> vegans are healthier than the norm.
Seeing as we are here to exchange information rather than petty
prods and insults, I miss your references to reports which
shoot any of those reports I mentioned down in flames, or
which proove that the benefits of cow's milk far outweigh the
disadvantages (although anything with a disadvantage, including
medical drugs, is not worth eating). I missed your reference
that fasting for two weeks would be detrimental to anyone
(other than of course the obvious such as the starving or those
afflicted with metabolic diseases such as diabetes etc.). I
missed your references to research which shows that cooked
veggies or cooked or raw meat is also essential in the diet
and which gives plausible reasons.

> >I'm not going to continually argue
> >and bicker (as you seem to do) as it leads to nothing and just
> >fills up innocent people's hard disks.
> You have yet to deal with the content of my criticisms.
I am perfectly able to deal with any criticism..and certainly
don't run away from it or, like yourself, criticize without
providing a counterargument. The only person regularly attempting
to disprove (or at least weaken) my claims in here in a sensible
and profiting manner is Jean-Louis. I have nothing against
agreement either..but if there is disagreement then the person
disagreeing should at least throw out something tangible as a

> >If you also are healthy
> >and thriving on your diet then good luck and the best of health
> >to you mate. This whole show is still basically a personal
> >thing..although it would be nice if we all reach a ripe and
> >healthy old age and are still corresponding when the "others" are
> >long gone.
> You lost me there. What show?

English slang...you could use the word "business" or "subject"
(i.e. dietary practices) if you so wish.

> Cheers,

Anyone who is not English or Australian and uses the word "cheers"
is usually toasting with an alcoholic beverage. ;-)
