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Thu, 9 Oct 1997 11:29:16 -0700
"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (248 lines)
An extract of material written by Morris Krok

Note: the material below was written by Morris Krok, and is extracted from
a long article released on Internet. This article was edited by Tom Billings.

        To summarize all these notes, one must know the meaning of the following
 magic words and phrases. Once one is conversant with them, it will become
 clear why mankind has not come of age, and why the last stumbling block or
 frontier that he must cross is the erasing of misconceptions regarding the
 naming of symptoms, seeking cures, and blaming illness on germs, viruses,
 bacteria and some other unforseen entity. These are the magic words or

        (a) Health is the balance between assimilation and elimination.

        (b) Not everything eaten turns to blood, tissue or bone.

        (c) The toxins and unwanted residues from the air, water and food that
 cannot be readily eliminated only feed our illnesses and symptoms, and as
 we become older it spreads throughout the body affecting more and more
 parts of the body.

        (d) Unwanted substances being foreign to the needs of the body ferment
 and putrefy, and it is these harmful exudates that affect our well being.

        (e) Louis Kuhne explains it in his book "New Science of Healing", the
 distressing effects fermentation has on the body, and why animals when ill
 or injured do not eat because even their natural raw food undergoes
 fermentation in the digestive process and so interferes with free and easy
 healing. I deal with this on page 138 of "Fruit the Food & Medicine for Man",
 but made an error when I wrote that fruit, nuts and vegetables do not
 ferment. After re-reading the relevant section in Kuhne's book, he says
 that fruit etc., does not ferment to the same extent as cooked and animal

        (f) Peristalsis is the natural contraction that occurs after eating or
 drinking throughout the digestive system from the gullet to the anus. It
 operates more efficiently after one has rested from food in particular for
 five or more hours. It is for this reason we should not eat too often, even
 if they are only small snacks. The body only produces a limited amount of
 digestive juices during a day. Large amounts of water on an empty stomach
 such as first thing in the morning will increase peristalsis and result in
 a bowel movement.

        (g) Osmosis means that when a light water is drunk it has the power or
 force as it passes through a membrane such as the stomach and intestinal
 walls, to displace the heavier fluids, especially if impregnated with salt
 and other heavy minerals through the skin as boils and suppurations. In the
 ancient sun-healing temples they used to weigh the water to obtain the
 lightest running river water.

        (h) Ileo-caecal valve has the magical function of not allowing liquids
 that pass from the small intestine into the colon. Hence if we drink one glass
 of liquid or twenty it still has to be absorbed into the bloodstream via
 the villi and so has a cleansing and refreshing effect on the bloodstream
 and brain. This valve allows solids to pass through and not liquids. If,
 however, it allowed liquids to readily pass through, we would have to
 contend with perpetual diarrhea.

        (i) Yoga asanas or simple slowly executed stretching actions that
 involve every joint and muscle of the body relaxes and energizes the body by
 assisting blood circulation and the heightened flow of nerve impulses.


        (j) Yoga inverted poses such as the headstand, and shoulder stand,
 works with gravity; and in addition to resting the heart and oxygenating the
 bloodstream, it enables all the abdominal organs to revert to their normal
 positions. It assists in cleansing the lungs, bronchials, nasal passages
 and sinuses. It shows that the ancient yogis were endowed with real genius
 to devise this system and reveal how their knowledge of the body is
 KING OF ASANAS. Nothing relaxes or makes us feel so good as this inverted
 pose as it releases pressure on the neck and spinal column (the tree of

        (k) They found to control the life energy and thought processes, one
 had to still the breathing faculties or reduce the bodies need for oxygen. They
 achieved this through meditation and their system of breathing. They learned
 by controlling the breath they could control the mind; and by controlling
 the mind they could control the breath. In time they could stop the action
 of the heart and lungs and go into hibernation or trance, and also awaken
 certain dormant faculties of the body.

        (l) They realized that it was necessary to go beyond the food question
 by eating sparingly when actual hunger is present. The overeating of even
 fruit can surcharge the system with food essence and so hinder the goal
 they are seeking - the mastery over mind and breath.

        (m) The non-food elements; fresh air, plain water, rest and light
 (sunshine) are the true healers and this is why books which over-emphasize that
 healing comes through food are misleading. Natural food appears to do the
 trick, only because it is less stressful and taxing to the body and does
 not leave the harmful byproducts that civilized eating produces.

        (n) Fasting or abstaining from solid foods for an extended period rests
 the entire body, and frees it from the products of fermentation and
 putrefaction. It enables the body to intelligently carry on the
 administration of our inner mechanism without our continual interference.
 Light water should be drunk copiously during such abstinence, even if at
 the beginning it results in withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, pains in
 joints and muscles, heartburn, indigestion, constipation and fatigue. If we
 persist with the fast, these distressing symptoms soon pass as in the words
 of the father of nature cure, Vincent Priessnitz said, "Water cures the
 mischief that water does, go on drinking."

        The words in one line:
        Assimilation, elimination, non-transformed food, peristalsis, osmosis,
 ileo-caceal valve, beyond food, meditation, stretching, breath and mind
 control, fasting, no-name symptom and no-name cure, organic gardening,
 conservation, and using the sun, air and water for the energy to run new
 age technology. Knowing the full meaning of these words is a life long task
 that has nothing to do with book learning and technology.

        Classical books that reveal these truths.
        1. Heaven Lies Within Us (Yoga Gave Me Superior Health.)
        2. Healing by Water (water healing through the ages)- T. Hartley
        3. Doctors Disease and Health by Cyril Scott.
        4. Why Grow Old by Tony Officer.

        All the above was mostly written when I was in California but completed
 in South Africa, but to end it I must add the revelation which I had on the
 train from Reading to Totnes [in the U.K.] - truly a moment of golden


        On the train I had the time to review my experiences in California.
 Never before had I eaten so much organic good fruit. With all this fruit and
 plenty [of] carrot juice I should have sprouted wings and a psychic would have
 seen a halo on my head as a sign I had been annointed. I also drank plenty
 of distilled water, carrot juice, orange juice and ginger juice; and had
 sun baths. However I was disappointed to note that certain cuts and wounds
 were not only not healing but getting worse. Where was I going wrong?
 Especially when all these years I believed that fruit was not only our food
 but a medicine as well, although I do mention and imply that fruit is not a
 magical substance in my book with this title. Then on the train journey it
 dawned on me that I had over-eaten on this delectable food. You name it I
 ate it. Figs, apples, oranges, peaches, plums, apricots, grapes, dates,
 raisins, watermelon, sweet melon and a variety of nuts - mostly almonds and
 pistachios. [I] also ate salads.

        After reviewing the situation I decided while in Totnes and Devon I
 would live mostly on water and not worry much about the food question. On one
 occasion went to a vegetarian restaurant in Totnes with my wife but only
 had a small plate of steamed vegetables. Felt more hungry after had eaten
 than when I went in. On the whole I did not eat much or too often, and yet
 I noticed an improvement in some of my cuts and condition of my hair. In
 California, my hair was coarse and sticking up on end, but now it became
 more glossy and manageable.

        These experiences reminded me what the yogis say - too much food
 essence causes the breath to become vigorous and the mind restless, and also
 prevents the practitioner from practising pranayama - control of the breath
 - successfully or for one to experience bliss or ananda.

        It also made me think what macrobiotics teaches. They say that fruit is
 too yin and that the overconsumption of it could lead to skin problems whereas
 the overconsumption of animal foods that are yang can lead to internal
 problems. In the one article it mentioned how someone cured himself of a
 skin ailment that refused to heal on fruit and raw foods by living on
 cooked food. This statement mystified me for years and was contrary to what
 advanced health teachers taught. The only possible reason for his cure is
 that the fruit had too much food value so thereby hindering the healing
 process, whereas the cooked food had so much less real food essence that
 one was virtually on a camouflaged fast. It also made me remember what
 Theresa Mitchell wrote in "Roads to Health and Healing" - that the
 overconsumption of fruit can result in acids accumulating in the body.
 This does not detract from the fact raw food in the long term is more

        In 1957 while I was still living in Johannesburg I remember after living
 on a bottle of honey a day for a week or more, my nails started disintegrating
 but improved when I replaced the honey with peanut butter. It may not be
 that there was anything in the peanut butter that stopped this condition
 but I had removed the cause of the problem - too much honey with its high
 sugar content. Here again too much of a good thing, even though the sugar in
 honey, dates and raisins is natural, it does not mean that we can overeat on
 them. It is for this reason that philosophers seeking for an answer to life
 state or imply that truth is relative as all depends how something is used
 in relation to something else.


Supplementary Material Sent by Morris Krok:

        Please note my remarks about the excessive consumption of fruit
and sweet things and how it can result in an imbalance. I would like
this point emphasized because the world has made a God out of food, and
if you read in between the lines of the notes I am implying that we
should go beyond the food question. Also note my reference to the
intelligent use of water and how it can refresh the brain with inspired
innovative thought.

        I have just been reading Beyond Pritikin by Ann Louise Gittleman.
She mentions that too much sweet foods, natural and unnatural, can leach
out calcium. Prior to this I had read how too much protein can do the
same thing. Where do we go from here - sprouted grains and green leafy
vegetables - as Ann Wigmore teaches?

        I suppose some where along the line we must use our head and not
be afraid to throw out our most cherished beliefs even if we fondled them
from infancy. This is why I enjoy more than anything else standing on my
head and seeing the world right way up.

        Yes we must use the web [world wide web: Internet] to erase
superstition, misconceptions and ignorance especially from the high echelons
of society - from those authorities who will not admit when they are wrong,
and who will not apologize for the harm their beliefs and practices have
caused. Yes we must use it to transform the hearts and minds of men to

Notes by the article editor (Tom Billings):

Special thanks to Morris Krok for writing the above, and for authorizing its

The headstand is a wonderful yoga asana, but it is an advanced pose that one
works up to, over a period of time. If you are interested in doing the
headstand, 1) learn from an actual teacher, rather than a book, video, or
audio, 2) check with a health professional if you have any possible
contraindications: disorders of the neck, head, or organs of the head
(e.g. glaucoma, detached retina, optic nerve disorders), high (or very
low) blood pressure, before attempting the headstand. Some experts also
suggest that those who are very sexually active, should not do the

Those in the U.S. can order the books by Morris Krok from his daughter,

Susan Krok
21 Coquito Ct.
Portola Valley, CA 94028

I suggest using her instead of alternate suppliers, as his family here
will benefit.