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"Angelica Hammer (by way of Angelica Hammer <[log in to unmask]>)"
Tue, 26 Jan 1999 08:42:36 -0500
text/plain (37 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Seeing the NAET discussion on the no-milk list prompted me to write both to
the No-Milk list and the Celiac list. I've been with both since their
respective starts because I was severely intolerant to both gluten and
dairy to the point where one crumb of bread would make me sick for weeks
with multiple painful and dibilitating symptoms. Seeking help with severe
rheumatoid arthritis (also agravated by any slips in my diet) I stumbled on
an acupuncturist that also practices NAET. For those of you who haven't
heard of it, NAET stands for Naburipad's Acupuncture Eliminiation
Technique, and uses a combination of techniques to basically retrain the
immune system response to whatever is aggrevating it; be that food,
internal, or environmental substances. I've had weekly treatments since
October and not only has the rheumatoid arthritis calmed down to the point
where I can live again, I can also eat almost everything without a single
symptom whatsoever and I am finally absorbing my foods properly. I've had
the best Christmas food-wise since 16 years!

I've never tested positive for celiac disease or gluten intolerance (small
intestinal biopsy without gluten challenge; saliva test; blood test) but
lived on a strict diet just like any of you. Now that I am eating gluten
again, I do plan to do another biopsy again in half a year or so, just to
be sure I am not doing damage. I'm sharing this with you, because it really
has made a big difference to me, not only by expanding my diet, but by
feeling better at the same time than I have in a long while. Even though
you may not want to expand your diet, feeling better, or reducing your
symptoms can be worth it. And for those, like me, who are self diagnosed,
it doesn't hurt to give it a try. I still don't fully understand how it
works, but I am living proof to myself that it does. For more information
and search for a practitioner near you, check out http://www.naet.com/.

Both lists have been invaluable to me over the years with its wealth of
information - thanks to you all and good health.

Angelica Hammer
Ithaca NY