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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jacques Laurin <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 Dec 1998 18:49:16 +0000
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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To Kirt and all the paleo-diet readers

Kirt and I had a discussion on anopsology (Instinctotherapy) that ended abruptly.
But in the course of the exchange I asked for help from my friend Andre Paillet,
who generously answered my call. So I owe him the right to be part of the
discussion. Since he only speaks french, I translated all he wrote the best I
could, since I also am basically french speaking. Once again, excuse the many
faults you will certainly  find.

For a better general comprehension of the debate, I chronologically included
virtually all the questions along with all the interventions ( I added a few new
ones coming from my part). As you will see, I did not censure anything...

Kirt is (Kirt), Andre Paillet is (A.P.) and I am (J.L.).

Good reading

(J.L.) As far as I am concerned, the only therapeutic way to practice paleolithic
diet is Instinctotherapy (Anopsology)

(Kirt) I was similarly enamored with instincto for many years but learned for a
"fact" that it's track record is somewhat shoddy.

(J.L.) Then shoddiness is everywhere because nothing seems to work perfectly all
the time. But I wont comment about the medical track record or any other.

(Kirt) You claim that the only "only therapeutic way to practice paleolithic diet
is Instinctotherapy (Anopsology)" and then say the medical track record is off
limits for comment! And not just the medical track record, but "any other"!
Perhaps you would like any discussion of instincto to be limited to non original
molecules and elimination.

(J.L.) What I meant to say, in my bad english, is that the medical record is not
that white either.

(J.L.) I'm not in the business of selling Instinctotherapy

(Kirt) Sure you are. Deciding that there is one "true" alimentation and sharing
that view in public is tantamount to selling an idea IMO. What other point is
there to such a blatant testimonial?

(J.L.) and I lack the self discipline to practice it alone.

(Kirt) Strange that such a perfect nutritional regime is beyond the capacity of
well over 95% or the people who want to do it.

(A.P.) Since our childhood, we are used to cooked food. Moreover we,  in a sense,
come back to our mother's love every time we eat the food we used to eat as
children. We often compensate our lack of love in eating. Raw does not give the
made to order satisfaction that cooked food gives. With raw food, you cut
yourself from the society; you have to continually fight not to succumb to the
solicitations of prepared and cooked food. How many drug addicts can quit their
habit alone? It seems like cooked food is a hard drug. Moreover, everything in
our society is made in such a way that access to it is easy and encouraged and
nothing is done (to the contrary) to let us get out of it. This is why it is so
difficult to stop eating cooked food and that support of a group can help.

(J.L.) But I did not learn Anopsology by hearsay or vague approximations, but by
practicing and studying it with the inventor for several months.

(Kirt) I certainly don't doubt this. You have all the verbiage, and logical
detours, down pretty well.

(Kirt) Perhaps you could comment on the following: (1] - 10] )

1] Nicole Burger's death by cancer at a relatively young age.

(J.L.) Unfortunately, nobody was inside her to see how she was living and
secondly, we will never know at what age she would have died under different

(Kirt) "Different conditions" meaning without the abuse of the "father" of
instincto, Guy-Claude Burger? If so, I agree, probably anyone would live longer
if they
were treated with love and respect by their spouse.

(A.P.) Burger thought and wrote a lot about this. The conclusions were the
following :
a) Over working. It seems that Mrs. Burger has been over worked for years. She
sometimes didn't even take time to stop and eat properly.
b) She was not practicing instincto properly (without smelling) and ate  too much
meat. She worked (among many other things) as a "meat cutter" and took the bad
habit of eating pieces of it all the time she worked.
c) When she got sick, she went to a "normal" doctor. She started consuming dairy
products (!)...
Burger and his wife also had relationship difficulties...
Since that event, those who practice instinctotherapy are more careful about the
meat they consume. Most of the meat they consume comes mostly from domestic and
selected animals onto which instinct does not work as well as on game meat.

2] The problems longtime instinctos encounter when not modifying their "pleasure
diet" through intellectual repression of "instinct" specifically :

(J.L.) Lets put aside the fact that the quality of the food we eat can have an
impact on our instinctive perception.

(Kirt) Except to use it as an unfailing excuse for any non-success on the regime,

(A.P.) It's often true and goes both ways.

(J.L.) Very few of us practice instincto since we are born.

(Kirt) And the other standard excuse for all "failure".

(J.L.) Many reward and compensation patterns have been put in place in our
subconscious (along with many other things), and it is indeed a huge upheaval to
modify our whole way of being to the world. To simply relearn the profound
meaning of attraction is not that simple...

(Kirt) Oh come on, if we could chuck away our cerebrum and rely on pure
"instinct" in food selection on a continuing basis, you wouldn't have to make all
these excuses-- excuses which, to me, simply say that instincto is probably not
the best, the only, or the most practical paleo-diet around.

(A.P.) Instinct does exist, animals use it and it works great for them. For
instinctos, it also seems to work. Instinct has been ruling animals for billions
of years. Eat as you wish Kirt but explain to us how wild animals, who are not
aware of the benefits of any other method, should eat.

2a] the effects of eating "too much" fruit

(A.P.) Experience shows that we should eat fruits at noon and not more then 3

2b] the effects of eating "too much" meat

(A.P.) Since Mrs. Burger's cancer, we are more careful. We only eat meat when it
smells and tastes very good.

2c] the effects of overeating in general

(A.P.) It really depends on the individual.

2d] the effects of eating "too few" vegetables

(A.P.) Buger has been saying for many years that we have to force ourselves to
eat vegetables to the point of bad taste. Since a vegetable looses its taste in
the cooking process, most varieties of vegetables we now find have been selected
for their strong taste, so they still taste something after being processed by
cooking.  In reverse, they taste too strong for raw eating. So we have to force
ourselves a bit in order to eat the necessary amount. (Complex explanation, but
experience shows good results in so doing.)