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Ben Odom <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:33:17 -0700
text/plain (43 lines)
Liza asks:
>Any idea what you want to study, yet? And what are you doing for work, in
>the meantime. More power to you - it's hard doing both - really really
>hard. All that raw meat must be giving you loads of energy. :)

Well Liza that's an interesting question.  By trade I'm a
Web/Graphic/Database Designer, which I make fairly decent money at (for a
student).  I'm currently studying Information Systems.  However, to be
honest with you, there's an idealistic side of me that is just dying to own
a small farm-type business, whether a small goat dairy, a greenhouse, meat
market, etc.  There are also other interests I'm really wanting to pursue;
for example, I want to become a certified massage therapist.  I certainly
don't want to spend the rest of my life in front of a computer.  In essence,
it's just the fact that there's something about honest, hard, physical labor
that is very pleasing to me.  Even if it pays half of what I make doing the
computer work.

It's very confusing to me, but I think in the end a little bit of
practicality AND idealism will surface.  I'll probably continue as a
technical writer/consultant, but also maintain a small herd of dairy goats
or something else along those lines, just to keep my love for nature/animals

>> (In fact I'm going on my first date since being
>> back here tonight!)
>:)  :)  Feel free to fill us, or me, in on how everything goes in that
>arena! It's fun to hear about.

Hehe --- actually the gal I'm going out with is a really nice (and very
open-minded) young lady that I met at a party at a friend's house.  Although
she's not really big on the idea of raw food herself, she was very receptive
about hearing about it, and very accepting in general.  Plus she's a super
down-to-earth gal, which is right up my alley.  No games to play, just a
friendly person to hang around with and get to know.  She really stood out
to me amongst the other million "valley girl" personalities.  We'll see how
things go.  We'll see if I have any social skills after being out of
practice for so long.  >;-)

Warm Regards,
