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Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Aug 1997 14:51:48 -0400
text/plain (191 lines)
In a message dated 97-08-02 03:27:16 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Peter
Brandt) writes:

 >Clinton & Gore just left Tahoe & those locals who witnessed their show
 >say he lied as per usual.

 Well, if a couple of locals say so I am sure it must be true. :-)

We need not rely on reports of a couple locals, we've all had years of
opportunity to hear BC for ourselves on TV & compare words with action &
judge his words & action vs. fact.

 <One friend of mine even traded palm juices with Slick Willy.

> I used to call President Nixon "Tricky Dick" with almost the same ease
 that you now call President Clinton "Slick Willy." The only difference
 is I would only do it among my friends who felt the same way - except
 for when the political corruption got to me so much I needed to vent my
 outrage publically and maybe provoke establishment figures.

I'm sorry you don't share my low opinion of the Clintons.  You've apparently
got some company amongst the 23 or so % of the American people who voted them
back in, even after knowing what sort of people they be (still baffles &
disappoints me)

> I see a lot of similarities between you and myself as a rebellious teenager
 is why I some time ago asked you what personal issues (by personal I
 mean issues that have nothing to do with the state of the world) you
 thought might be driving some of your political agendas.

"personal issues driving my political agenda that have nothing to do with the
state of the world" -- Well, my political agenda is to preserve & expand our
remaining freedoms & get our out-of-control government back into it's
original Constitutional cage.

& what I believe is driving my agenda is 30+ years of politically-incorrect
info gleaned from study of Rand, Branden, Von Mises, Rothbard, membership &
"passive activity" in the Libertarian Party since '72 & fanatical devotion to
the principles upon this country (perhaps the first in the universe to form a
government based on recognition that men are free & have individual rights
ABOVE government) was founded.

>No need to answer - my question is mainly rhetorical but since control and
 seem to be such issues for you and since you feel the need to rebel so
 late in your life

Aw, Peter, even 'tho I'm older'n you, I'm still less than halfway thru my
life & it keeps gettin' better; I've got a lot more experience & knowledge
starting the 2nd half of life than I did starting the first half!  :-)

Ben Franklin was a lot older than I am when he was rebelling & helping that
band of elderly smugglers & rebels build this country.

"Freedom", yes, a great value to me (not to you?).  "Control", no --only
control of self (do you believe YOU should be controlling you, or more
capable people, like politicians, agencies, bureaucrats, etc.?).

>and assert & emphasize your political sentiments so
 strongly as you do, I cannot help but speculate that you must have been
 raised in an extremely restricted environment and that you are now
 acting out a lot of the anger of how you were treated and projecting it
 on to the political arena. Anyway, you can get off the couch now :-),

Not likely, my folks respected education & freedom to the max, waited a dozen
years 'til they were prepared to provide for me before bringing me into this
world & the nurtured, guided & encouraged me to develop physically & mentally
as best they could.  Perhaps my childhood environment was restricted to the
extent that parental boundaries prevented me from being squashed by a truck
as an infant & I'm grateful to my folks for all they did.  Perhaps I'm
resentful for the years of miseducation I received in government schools &
the need of un-learning lots of stuff I believed to be true.  The effort has
been worthwhile & I invite anyone who cares about their health & freedom to
enjoy a similar journey.

>but please out of courtesy to those on the list who do not feel the
 same way about the President (or whoever), do not use such derogatory

I apologize to anyone offended by my less than ideal use of the language.  I
did not intend to offend.  And I am a bit curious.  How '
bout an off-subject poll:  How many were offended by me labeling these crummy
terrocrats liars & murderers?  How many agreed?  How many couldn't care less?
 How many are showing the good sense to not even read this?  :-)

> >I've never even seen a picture of Burger, have only read a
 >translation of his book & listened to first had reports from you &
 >Zephyr & Bruno.  Not quite enough for me to convict the man.

 >You have a lot more than that but that is not really the point: that
 you are applying different standards. G.C.Burger is the "good guy" - in
 your own words "a genius"

Well, I was not implying the Latin root of the word genius as "guardian
deity", etc. but rather " a person having great mental capacity and inventive
ability, great and original creative ability in some art, science, etc." --
Webster's  Does anyone who's read Burger's book, witnessed the changes he's
facilitated in people's thinking on health, etc. argue that Burger's NOT a
genius by that definition?  If he's killed his mother & raped his father &
burnt & pillaged Rome (even forgetting to pillage FIRST) make him a
non-genius?  Is mis-guided genius impossible (or even

>- which is why I think you are able to so easily to dismiss the overwhelming
evidence that is piling up against him

I think I can easily dismiss the evidence 'cause I haven't seen nor heard it.
 I don't consider interpretations of translations of writing in the French
equivalent of Enquirer as "evidence".

> and rather than state the obvious you give me legalese - not guilty
 until proven so. (just like many black people refused to admit that
 they thought OJ was guilty)  Now with people who you consider the "bad
 guys", they cannot take a piss without it being part of some evil
 conspiracy and how do you know? - well a couple of locals saw President
 Clinton conspiring to pollute Lake Tahoe by taken a leak in it. :-) You
 never give the "bad guy" the benefit of the doubt - like needing to go
 the bathroom (to stay within the metaphor) - and the "good guy" can do
 no wrong - even his shit never smells :-) I find this black and white
 view of the world disturbing which is why I do not like how you tend to
 put people on pedestals - there is always the darker flip side of the
 coin - and the risk of falling from grace and ending up on your hit
 list. ;-)

The significance of your urination example eludes me.  yes all us humans have
strengths & weaknesses.  Clinton is perhaps the most talented politician in
the history of the universe & probably fits the definition of "genius" on
that account & should be acknowledged for that achievement.  Nothing else
could account for his seeming indestructibility.  From my perspective you're
doing with Burger what you're accusing me of doing to a bunch of rotten
politicians (oops, did I slip again?), robbing him of his genius in the
health & nutrition research arena because of what you perceive as a grievous
fault in the sexual arena.

 >While I've seen neither the Clinton Chronicles nor the Waco videos, I
 >have lived with the results of the acts of the Clintons, Reno, et al
 >(mainly their successful War on Freedom)  &  I do get exposed to them
 >live on TV with unfortunate regularity.

> I can see how Clinton is making your life miserable. ;-) You are an
 independent, white male professional living in one of the most
 beautiful places on the planet, you own a beautiful house, have a
 wonderful wife, have lots free time to go off and pursue your hobbies
 (sailing, hiking, bicycling and skiing) and interests like ordering
 instincto quality foods and you live in a country where you can express
 just about any opinion you want - even talk about overthrowing the
 government and to publicly indulge in insulting the heads of state -
 without getting into trouble. How do you endure so much adversity and
 oppression with such grace under fire? ;-)
You're right, I should be grateful to Clinton for providing me with my
independence, my genetic material, my professional education, my wife, my
home, my free time, my food, my freedom of speech & the beauty of Tahoe even
'tho I didn't notice him around while my folks & my wife & I were working for
those things & even 'tho I notice him doing everything possible to eliminate
our remaining freedoms.

Peter, I acknowledge you for your keen mind & deeply appreciate the time
you've taken responding to my off-subject political drivel.  AND, those
emoticons really help!!  Some of that stuff was pretty heavy-duty * each time
one of your ;-) 's showed up, my up-tight mind relaxed a bit & I remembered,
yeah, this is my friend, Peter, contributing to my life.  I appreciate you a
lot & I thank you again for your tireless work on this list.  it's a
magnificent contribution, which reminds me, what becomes of the archives
after we've all tired of this exercise?  Will they be accessible for the
education (mis-ed?) of future generations?  are they your property?  I'm
still new here in cyberspace!  Exciting, wonderful times (the Net may be our
best chance for regaining our freedom & speaking of overthrowing the gov't --
not necessary, it will topple of its own weight as did the USSR & the Net
will be the most powerful force in cutting off the funds to our enemy;
encrypted paper-free transactions will disappear the IRS & with it, most of
the unconstitutional activity of the oppressive state.)

'ealth, 'appiness & freedom to y'all,
