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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Rex Harrill <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 4 Dec 1998 07:59:54 -0500
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Sandy Rzetelny wrote:

> Do you mean that this man is taking cows  who have  been on a low brix pasture
> and they become healthy on a high brix pasture?

Make that *unknown* Brix pasture.  Murray Bast is famous in grazing circles and
despises grain feeding.  He gives talks all over the world, so you may come across
him one day.  BTW, I also know a man in Mt. Crawford, VA who does exactly the same
thing, but he's shy.  Murray is not.

> Am I right in assuming that these cows were not raised primarily on grains or
> other less healthy foods? If that were the case, these sick cows might become
> healthy on any old pasture.

I guess the first part of my response answered this, but if there is any doubt,
have your university library track down Professor William A. Albrecht's short
film, "The Other Side Of The Fence."  It's a bit dated, but gives a good insight
into how the sickness induced in animals on worn-out pasture ultimately translates
into sickness among the humans that consume the depleted animals.

Sandy, I've been attacked before on this list for talking too much, so this may be
my last Brix post for a while.  Just remember that there are *extreme* variations
in food quality.  The most extreme I'm aware of (that's on record) is where a
tested sample of spinach grown on worn-out land had 1 ppm iron while another,
grown on rich soil (but same climate), had 1956 ppm of iron.   Now, doesn't that
make an official USDA pronouncement that spinach has "X" ppm of iron look silly?

If you're interested in food truth instead of food dogma, you'll get an instrument
to do your own evaluation.

Rex Harrill