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Sun, 5 Oct 1997 10:01:03 -0700
"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
the material below was in a followup e-mail sent by Morris Krok, after
he sent the long files recently posted on Internet. I found his followup
so interesting, that I asked for - and received permission from Morris -
to post the material below on Internet, and to use it in the SF-LiFE
newsletter and other venues. I am releasing it because I think it is
worthwhile, and I strongly agree with Morris when he points out that,
at times, we have made a God out of food/diet.

Tom Billings

========begin material by Morris Krok======================

        Please note my remarks about the excessive consumption of fruit
and sweet things and how it can result in an imbalance. I would like
this point emphasized because the world has made a God out of food, and
if you read in between the lines of the notes I am implying that we
should go beyond the food question. Also note my reference to the
intelligent use of water and how it can refresh the brain with inspired
innovative thought.

        I have just been reading Beyond Pritikin by Ann Louise Gittleman.
She mentions that too much sweet foods, natural and unnatural, can leach
out calcium. Prior to this I had read how too much protein can do the
same thing. Where do we go from here - sprouted grains and green leafy
vegetables - as Ann Wigmore teaches?

        I suppose some where along the line we must use our head and not
be afraid to throw out our most cherished beliefs even if we fondled them
from infancy. This is why I enjoy more than anything else standing on my
head and seeing the world right way up.

        Yes we must use the web [world wide web: Internet] to erase
superstition, misconceptions and ignorance especially from the high echelons
of society - from those authorities who will not admit when they are wrong,
and who will not apologize for the harm their beliefs and practices have
caused. Yes we must use it to transform the hearts and minds of men to

        Internet can only fulfill its promise as the greatest transforming
agent and event in the history of man, when the simple undiluted truth is
conveyed to every niche and corner without compromise to persons,
technology, commercialism and economics.

========end material by Morris Krok===================