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John Stankiewicz <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 16:10:20 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
><<  I have about four years of experience with herbology as well.  My clients
>get hooked up to a special computer called an MRM (or Muscle Recruitment
>Monitor) and I get to test their body systems before I give them any advice.
>Of course I would like all of them to take on fasting, drinking their own
>urine, transitioning to a mostly raw diet, but you know how hard it is to
>convince the general public, right? >>

>Where did you get your training or degree in Nutrition? I'm curious, since I
>have not met many nutritionists who advocate urine drinking as part of a
>healthy diet.

Perhaps many nutritionists get trained in outdated techniques and the
information is, shall I say, narrow?  This is why I have not found a
Nutritionist course that will help one to become well-rounded.  So I have
taught myself, on the street (with people), reading everything I can get my
hands on, and practicing it.  You really have to have an intense interest in
finding out how the human body works, and how the whole Universe, Cosmos,
works, I believe, before you can become good at it.  Various courses tend to
narrowly focus one, and the student merely adopts the point of view that is
being taught.  So I have never found an adequate course/training.

>I also want to add that there are many people who cannot tolerate raw food,
>for whom the high quantities of sugar on a fruitarian diet could be life-
>threatening, and there are also plenty for whom fasting would be very
>dangerous. In general, I would caution against advocating any single diet or
>therapy as a solution for all people. Every person's constitution and genetic
>heritage is entirely unique.

You're exactly right.  Perhaps I overgeneralized.  I have found that most
people will never get to a 100% or even 80% raw diet, whether fruit or
vegetable and fruit.  I am very tolerant and try not to be righteous.  It
takes a long time to transition to a mostly raw diet, and not everyone can
handle a fruit diet, depending on their environment, climate, work
conditions, past dietary habits, and so on.  So I'm not entirely a raw-food
activist at all, I just find that making contacts through such lists is
useful.  Right?

Love, js

PS: life force?  as in RBC/Lifeforce?

>Love, Liza
>[log in to unmask] (Liza May)

John Stankiewicz, Nutritionist.