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Aaron Sugarman <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 17:28:48 EDT
text/plain (133 lines)

Your Guru's body cannot help but benefit from the flesh and vegetables, as his
body is made from the same.  The fruits are kind to the body because little
energy is spent in digestion, so that more is available for other things, and
in his devotees, the resting of the organs allows for the return to balance in
the functioning of their organs, and their energies, and the chemicals, which
will reflect in their minds and allow for their surrender to a more balanced
or true mind where they might realize their true nature and see past the
illusions.  It is like walking out into the woods, it is peaceful, harmonious,
and the body likes to be in the same way inside, as the Body is not separate
from our Environment.

The less the organs work, the less importance they assume, and the less
selfish with energies they must be, so the person becomes less self-important,
and less selfish, so that they might catch glimpses of their true nature as
nothing, as a part of the One, a part of ME.

Stay open to that...

<<Basically (and this
may sound paradoxical) He does not care about His body, it is the
responsibility of the devotees, if we want Him to continue to be a
Transmitter of our True Nature (the Source) here.>>


I am you.  You are a part of me, a part of the One, and I am that One.
You are nothing, and Aaron is nothing, and I am everything, and my Life is the
source of your breath, and my body is the food for your body.  My voice speaks
through all who know me, by becoming Nothing...

My Self is THE Self and yours is but an illusion...

John, my child, when you eat a piece of fruit, you are eating my flesh.  Be
grateful.  I give it to you freely. And when you eat a piece of meat, you eat
the flesh of one of my children who is more closely related to you.  Be
grateful.  It is there to feed your body and nourish it...

When you devote yourself to others, you devote yourself to me, and through
this you can realize your Oneness, or Self-Liberation towards true Giving...
Then perhaps, you can give truly to your self, because you are a part of me,
and you can devote yourself to ME, by devoting your LIFE to your own...

as your Guru has done...

by giving to himself, he gives to others, and visa versa...

I do not need to eat, because I am LIFE, I am the One, I am whole.  I have
always been and always will be, and I speak all of the time through those who
know me and surrender so that I can speak...

This is why your Guru does not care about his body, because I do not need to

But your Guru's body does need to eat.

Perhaps you realize this already...

Aaron needs to eat as you need to eat, as your Guru's body needs to eat, and
so Aaron eats whatever he needs to and takes care of himself, because Aaron is
a part of me, and his body is my flesh, and if Aaron didn't take care of his
body, Aaron would get ill and die through lack of Care for Me, and then I
would no longer be able to Speak through Aaron, and Aaron certainly wouldn't
be able to speak for himSelf and enjoy his LIFE!

Aaron could allow me to speak all of the time, and then it would be nice if
others would care for Aaron's body as I would be running the show, and I do
not need food, so if I had food, I would give it to you, and not myself,
because I am that food already, I do not need food, but if I gave it to you, I
would deny Aaron, and he is my child as well, and I speak through him, so, in
order for me to continue to speak to you, and in order for Aaron to give to
himself, I would feed Aaron, perhaps by surrendering to Aaron, as he
surrendered to me, or... by simply feeding myself because after all, Aaron and
I are ONE.

Of course, it could get time consuming to become Aaron and prepare my own food
all of the time, but if necessary, I would do it, because it is not so bad to
be Aaron these days ;), and it is quite fulfilling to feed myself.  It must be
nice for your Guru's body to have all those devotees feeding it all the time!
That is a great pleasure, but so is feeding one's self...

The devotees will learn from the devotion, and the loyalty and devotion frees
the Guru to follow desires...

If Aaron gave up himself all of the time so that I could speak, would Aaron
eat for him Self?

Aaron asserts himself so that he can LIVE and Care for Himself, because Aaron
is just a little one, and he retains his Instinct for LIFE and kicks me out,
so that he can play and live his LIFE!  Will he ever surrender for good and
let me run things?  We'll have to see... ;)

He hasn't worked that out yet...

Aaron wrote to you because he turned to your page and saw a fat guru ;)

People usually don't get fat on fruit, and Aaron saw that.  Your Guru knows
that, I imagine, just as Aaron does.

Aaron just wanted to find out what this Guru was eating that might make him
fat, Aaron has a curious nature, and likes to learn, and likes to remind
people that eating just fruit can be an antidote to unravelling past
conditioning, but that it is not necessary to LIVING, and can in fact cause
self-injury to the body, and result in Not Living, or Emotional Repression,
which is exactly the opposite of what Self-Liberation is all about...

A more honest approach, in Aaron's opinion, would have been to originally say
exactly what your Guru eats, and what his approach is, and how long your Guru
has eaten this way, and what else he has always eaten, and leave it at that,
otherwise, people might misunderstand, and go eating only fruit, when food is
not the point at all.  Or, ignore that your Guru eats meat, when meat has
nutritional value that aids your Guru's body.

Be careful not to form beliefs about your Guru, or his diet, for your beliefs
are Maya, and you could unintentionally wind up spreading Maya, or

Fruit is kind to the digestive system, in it's watery-like fluidity, and LIFE,
and is more sustaining to the body than life-long fasting...

It also requires little self-assertion upon the world to eat fruit, so that it
feels Peaceful to eat fruit, and when one is seeking to realize nothingness,
or Oneness, sometimes little self-assertion can be helpful, to reveal the true
self, while for others, killing and eating an animal can be helpful.

Nothing is separate, and Feeding is just asserting our Oneness...

Fruit is an antidote...

Fruit is not the point.