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Ken Follett <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
BP - His DNA is this long.
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 14:05:20 EDT
text/plain (33 lines)
In a message dated 98-06-10 15:39:23 EDT, [log in to unmask] writes:

<< probably,  mostly you "girl architects" with your prissy attention to
 the guy architects figure it's every "others" for themselves....... >>

Is there an implication here that there are no prissy Boy Architects? Puer
aeternus, never to grow to maturity. Though I agree that I hate counting
typ.'s, I never imagined it was a gender specific laziness. Must be my narrow
male worldview. Actually, I hate counting windows, brick surface area, coping
caps, stone surface area, and just about every imaginable object I have the
luck to encounter on a set of prints -- unfortunately, my main gig. Worse than
that, I really hate getting the job and then having to re-count everything
several times again for the duration of the project. I hire people to do this
for me but they always quit after a few years. Burn out comes quickly with too
many typ.'s. Telling a take-off estimator that historic preservation should
make them extra excited about counting typ.'s is a weak argument. Are all
typ.'s created equal. It makes me feel so dirty when I encounter a typ., so
much like another worker commodity, the drone typ. counter. There is a
rational to mastering your typ.'s, they usually arise because someone earlier
in the project ran out of energy, failed in their stamina, and if you can
prevail to balance the typ.'s better than all others then there is profit to
be plundered. Otherwise you fall prey to the mundane, lost by the wayside,
forever paying again to be bored. There is no individuality of expression in
counting typ.'s. I know you can play games with them, sort your typ.'s by
drawing numbers, color code them with flourescent markers. Come to think of
it, I hate always having to do what I am supposed to be doing, I guess this is
typical. That is why I am writing this e-mail instead of getting onto the next
estimate or looking through the scrambled file from the other project that
never ends. Do you have any other tips?
