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Tue, 16 Jun 1998 14:19:46 EDT
Liza May <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (130 lines)

(You wrote, regarding drinking urine...):
<< Many Gurus and Yogis have also used it and sung its virtues. >>

I guess many people have done many weird and gross things, and sung their
virtues. Probably there is no activity that humans could dream up that hasn't
been done by other people somewhere sometime, and its virtues sung. That
doesn't mean too much, as far as I'm concerned.

<< But...Liza, I don't have the energy to convert you to it. >>

Don't worry about it John! ;-))  It would most definately be wasted effort!  I
do not have the LEAST bit of interest in recommending drinking urine for
anyone, anywhere, anytime ;-)) ;-))
(btw I'm not yelling, I'm emphasizing. I talk loud. ;-)  )

<< I'll leave it to the experts in Urine Therapy, if they're lurking about.
Or just seek out the books on it. >>

No, thank you very much ;-)  I'll pass on that one. (That was not a pun).

<<  When I said get to I meant people in my particular Community, students
practicing the Way of the Heart.  Some among them tried to "get to" a
fruitarian diet, testing out the theory by some experts that a fruitarian diet
was the most sattvic and purfiying. >>

Well, if they themselves are trying to "get to" a fruitarian diet, I guess
that's their business. I'm not familiar with Way of The Heart. But, from what
you are saying here, you are a member of this group also. Accordingly,  I
would assume that you too think that fruitarianism is the superior diet? And
so I guess in your role of Nutritionist you are helping them to get to

I can only say that if I were the nutrirtionist for those people, I would see
it as my professional responsibility to put their real health needs first,
before any ideas that they might have about this diet or that diet being
"pure" or whatever.

If they had a doctor among them, who helped them "figure out" how to go with
less and less sleep every day, trying to get to the point of not having to
sleep at all, I would say the same thing. I would have to say that the doctor
was not being responsible about caring for their health.

I had written:
 >If you do in fact have such preconceived opinions about what types of diets
 >are best for all people, then I think it is your professional responsibility
 >as someone who is calling himself a nutritionist to let your clients know
 >about your opinions before they become your clients. Otherwise, you are
 >dishonest about your agenda.

You wrote:
 >Please read the above and wait for my answer before forming further opinions
 >of me.  I would appreciate that.

I don't have any opinions of you yet, just this one discussion. But I guess
I'm not clear how you see your role as a nutritionist. Maybe you are only a
nutritionist for your community, and if everyone there is trying to get to the
same fruitarian or vegan diet, then they understand that that's what you're
"helping" them to do. But, I'm not sure then what it is that you are offering
people that they don't have for themselves anyway. I guess I don't understand
how you see your role as a health practitioner.

I had said:
 >Again, this is a generalization, which, like any other generalization about
 >diet, is only sometimes true, for some people, some of the time. Many people
 >have no problem whatsoever changing to a 100% raw diet overnite.

You had said:
<< Where are your studies that support such an assertion?  It stand to reason
that a meat eater would have definite problems if she or he were to
transition, abrputly, ovrnite (as you say), to a 100% rasw diet. >>

My point is that there are no generalizations. Some people can not ever eat
raw foods, some people can today and not tomorrow, some people have to have
meat, some people are allergic to meat, some meat eaters can transition
abruptly overnite to all raw, others can't, some people crave and thrive on
dairy, others go into anaphylactic shock, etc etc etc.

There are as many exceptions as there are people. That is my point. There are
no generalities in dietary needs - none. So I can't understand how you can
advise people on their nutritional needs if you have ideas about what they
should and should not be eating, before you have even met them!!

 I had said (or yelled):
<< Not everyone can handle ANY one diet. Fruit is not superior in any way to
ANY other food.>>

 You had replied:
<< Liza, I sense you are YELLING.  And based on preconceived notions about
what I have stated.  It is always good to verify our opinions of others before
we say too much.>>

Well, I wasn't yelling before (I was talking loud) but I might start soon.

I'm thinking maybe you are being a little evasive and polite, and maybe not
fessing up here. I can only assume, if you belong to a community that is
trying to get to the point where they can live on all fruit, or fruit and
vegetables, that you, as part of that community, and as their "nutritionist,"
thinks that way too. ;-)

So I'm questioning your unspoken assumptions, and your ideas about your role
as a "nutritionist."  ;-)

<< I know of two companies by that name in the U.S..  I guess if your company
is not that big you won't get into any trouble, otherwise, if you're noticed,
some of their lawyers may challenge you. >>

Well, no one has noticed us yet, and its been a while. But thanks for the tip!

<< Well, from my studies, what you call life force is also likely called
VITALITY, and prana.  Prana in fact has many grades. ......  Also, the pine
tree processes prana from the Sun and gives off what it can't use ...... and
why people are told ...... to stand under or near a pine tree to get
revitalized or healed. >>

Thans for this description. I really enjoyed this - very interesting.
Especially the part about pine trees. I will have to experiment for myself,
and see if I feel some deepness, or connectedness, or some other sense of
vitality, by being under pine trees. Very neat stuff.

BTW - were you yelling when you said "VITALITY?"

Love, Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)