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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 06:09:07 -1000
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Liza May wrote:
> Forest,
> > this leads to a male dominant intelligence based on power and greed and
> > advanced weaponry and so on, the species is extinct in several generations.
> Please refrain from "male-bashing." There is no such thing as a "male
> dominant intelligence." Intelligence is intelligence. Some men are
> brilliant, some are not as brilliant, and the same is true for women.

i think you are overreacting here and taking these ideas out of context. it's
not hard to see that "his-story" is full of examples of male dominant behavior
in "hu-man" species. almost any "per-son" can see it. even our languages
reflect it. if you can't see it pray to god and "he" will help you. thank god
the women's lib movement has been slowly chipping away at an age old male
dominant hierarchical limitation. this is not male bashing, heck i'm a male,
i'm just saying a balance in power in men and women may help create peace on
earth potential and enhance our individual health.
> It is hateful, bigoted, and furthermore completely erroneous, to make
> slanderous comments about men, or any other group, such as you have made
> above.

i agree completely with your above comments, except the ending. i am referring
to domineering men and the general tendancy thru out his-herstory for those
type of men to control the world. i am not saying all men are domineering,
just pointing out a general tendancy that has been around a long time.
> Men are great. I love men. Men work hard, have principles, stubbornly
> refuse to "grow up," love and take care of their families, take
> responsibility for world matters, and are sexy, funny, wonderful, and great
> friends.

i agree with most of what you said above, but aren't you bashing men here a
bit when you say they stubbornly refuse to grow up? i don't feel i stubbornly
refuse to grow up. have you yourself completely grown up? in my opinion most
adult americans(in general) are not grown up. they are still depending on a
predominantly male dominant big brother-father society to protect them like
little children and in my mind until there is more male-female balance in
society, politics, etc. male dominance will prevail and this affects not only
the health of the environment but also us as individuals....aloha and peace.....forest