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Jo Yoshida <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 May 1998 15:59:54 -0600
text/plain (24 lines)
Vicki said:
>A good friend of mine (he's a fruitarian) was clinically diagnosed as
>sterile 9 years ago. He has since impregnated 2 different women in the last 2 years.
>His doctors don't have an explanation for it, but he does and it has to do
>with going 100% raw on mostly fruit. Maybe I could get him to post it to the list.
>I know he's writing a book about it.

Jo sez:
I have a friend (really, I'm talking about a good friend of mine) who has
also been diagnosed as sterile. I think he's known this since his late
teens and now he's approaching 40. His sperm count is normal but motility
is nil.

I've approached him about trying a raw dietary but, as usual, it's hard to
make adjustments especially when info like this is sourced by someone
without all those fancy titles behind his name. So I'd appreciate a posting
from your now virile friend and updates on that book he's writing. With
something in hardcopy form, maybe my friend will nix the adoption route and
go for the natural way despite his love for pasta.

Abundant Health,