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Sol Lederman <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 17:58:21 -0800 (PST)
text/plain (57 lines)

This is the first time ever that I've consciously thought about what I eat and
what I feel would be good for me to eat. I'd appreciate constructive feedback
from you raw fooders or semi-raw fooders on my food choices.

Some notes:

(1) Don't bother telling me to dump chicken and fish. I'm considering that
    change. If I do it at all I'll do it when I'm ready to.

(2) Don't bother telling me to dump cooked food. I'm not interested, right
    now, in an all raw diet, maybe 60% to 70%

(3) I'm leaving out most fruit for the next three to six months to see how
    I do on an anti-candida diet.

(4) I'd appreciate suggestions on particularly good, healing, veggies to
    add to my diet. Which are good bitter greens. (Tom - I know you told me
    a few; I don't have that list handy. Please remind me.)

(5) I'm interested in people's personal experiences with distilled vs. bottled



biogenic             sprouts, wheatgrass
fruit                cranberries, lemon, lime, avocado, cucumber
dark leafy greens    kale, spinach, chard, collard greens
bitter greens        ???
cruciferous veggies  broccoli, brussel sprouts
other vegetables     cauliflower, watercress, red pepper
oil                  cold pressed --- almond, flax, olive, canola
seeds                sesame, flax, pumpkin, caraway, tahini, sunflower
nuts                 almonds
herbs & spices       garlic, turmeric, ginger, Dr. Broener's balanced mineral
                       seasonings, cinnamon, coriander, curry, ocean seasonings,
                       mustard, horseradish
sea vegetables       all
Water                distilled, filtered or bottled


grains               amaranth, millet, quinoa, puffed millet cereal
fish                 tuna, sardines, mackeral, kipper, salmon,
                     cold water fresh fish
poultry              lean and skinless -- chicken, turkey, chicken broth

Other                digestive enzymes, probiotics, lecithin, apple cider
-----                vinegar, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, herbal teas,
                     kefir, dried daikon