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Pat Woodward <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 20:28:31 EST
text/plain (37 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Your story sounds almost identicle to ours.  Chris was diagnosed with Diabetes
at 2 and Celiac at 3.  The only thing is that since his Celiac didn't really
onset until one year after his diagnosis of diabetes, he did require insulin
shots of 2 - 3 times a day.  We figured out how many finger sticks Chris has
gotten since being diagnosed.  He is in the second grade now, so we calculated
4 sticks a day times 6 years plus extras for sick days and we came up with
9000 finger sticks so far.  I'm pushing for the cure, how about you.  Chris is
also a very good student.  I suppose once on an extremely strict gluten-free
diet, they have the chance to regain their strength and are feeling well
enough to do well in school.  What do you do about lunches.  We take Chris' to
the cafeteria and walk it back to the refrigerator.  The ladies then heat up
his lunch and as Chris walks through the buying line, he picks up a tray and
they hand him his lunches.  We usually have leftovers from the night before.
Some of the kids wish they could have lunches like Chris.  I believe them - I
have seen the school food.

It's working out very well.  Chris is now back up to the 75th percentile in
growth and 50th in weight.  We also get comments when people haven't seen him
for a while on how tall he is getting.  His cheeks are now nice and pink and
he is extremely active.

It sure is a blessing knowing that Celiac is getting more and more recognized
so there are now more products out there that are gluten-free.  Have you tried
Pamela's chocolate chip cookies yet?  They don't seem to affect Chris' blood
sugars and are quite a nice treat to take to school.  We also make Pamela's
Ultimate Gourmet brownies.  He really enjoys those.  Please write back to me
to let me know of some of your helpful hints.  It is nice to finally find
someone whose child has the exact same problems as mine.  Usually families
have a Diabetic Child and the other child is Celiac, but never both.  Keep up
the good work.  I try to look at it as a fun challenge.  We can sure make a
mess in the kitchen.

Pat W.
Lititz, PA