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Mon, 25 May 1998 19:39:50 EDT
LIFE F0RCE <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
<<  I sat in with a "holistic" nutritionist who threatened to rip out the
eyes of the ice cream man for playing his rediculous music.  This was infront of
one of her clients.  Now, how holistic is this?  Just one of many violent
reactions she displayed in the  course of two hours.  I think I'll be leaving now,
not ever to return, thank you very little. >>

Just a thought  --  maybe you'd do a little better in San Antonio if you
tried to help out a little, instead of looking for help from other people. With
the holistic nutritionist, for instance, there's probably a lot she could learn
from you. I've found that by putting my attention on "serving" other people,
a fringe benefit is that my life gets immeasurably better in the process. And
anyway, even if your life doesn't get better by helping other people, logic
says that you might as well do your best to help them, since they obviously
need it, and they very obviously are in no position to help you at all.

Love Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)