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Wed, 6 May 1998 08:48:03 -0700
"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (417 lines)
Anopsologists quickly recover their very sensitive sense of smell to
tell them what to eat. A few days after switching to raw food, I smelled
some bloody raw liver. It smelled heavenly. I had an ecstatic tingling
sensation throughout my body. It was as if my cells were shouting "Yes!
Yes!" Eating that liver was a very pleasurable experience.

Smelling and eating good raw food that the body needs seems to bring
about ecstacy at the cellular level. It sometimes feels like many cells
are having orgasms!

Because of cultural conditioning, many people can't confront eating raw
meat. For some Anopsologists it takes a year or more before they can
sufficiently overcome their old cultural conditioning and eat raw meat.
I especially liked the Whole 6th Paragraph, the one where he said:
Anopsologists quickly recover their very sensitive sense of smell to
tell them what to eat. A few days after switching to raw food, I smelled
some bloody raw liver. It smelled heavenly. I had an ecstatic tingling
sensation throughout my body. It was as if my cells were shouting "Yes!
Yes!" Eating that liver was a very pleasurable experience.
I know that experience myself and had Virtually The Exact Same
Experience!!! - I'm So Glad To Know I'm Not The Only One!!! - :)!!!

> Connie you may have seen the
> raw food web site, and i'm sure gregg has seen it, but this is where we
> got this link.  it's a pretty good article concerning diet, health, and
> healing; all raw foods.

What Raw Food Web Site? - That's like saying have I seen the Health Food
Store - Well we like have quite a few 1,000 if not 10's of 1,000's
across the Country so it'd be nice to know which one your talking about.
And when you say "all raw foods" are you including Animal as well?

I was hoping that you weren't talking about the Infamous Known Raw Food
Plagiarists: NFL - Nature's First Law - Web Site -
http://www.rawfood.com - who are Just Totally Out Of Their Gourds and I
won't go into that right now because if you check the Archives you'll be
able to see what I'm talking about - At least I hope!!! - But after
reading all your other Messages I'm inclined to think you probably like
them and what they stand for and say - Too bad!!! - :(

> i don't agree with eating raw animal flesh for a
> variety of reasons, the biggest being meat is not health giving or
> healing.  just the opposite, meat takes a long time  to digest (4 hrs)
> and even longer time to move thru the colon.  especially when it's
> combined with the wrong combination of foods, indigestion occurs along
> with fermentation and toxicity.  and since our vegetarian colons are long
> this toxicity moves thru poisoning the system until it exits the body.
> Flesh foods are very, very hard on the kidneys; too much protein!  i
> don't want to write a book here, but connie if you have some specific
> health question let me know.  hope this site will shed some
> insight......ananda

How do I say this without Offending you or causing you to not be Very
Happy with me and maybe not Reply back?  But Ananda: You're Out Of Your
Gourd!!!  I know you Believe what you're saying but you don't have any
Evidence of that Being True - at least in regards RAF - Raw Animal Food
- and so it's like you said: "[you] don't agree ...", but You're Out Of
Your Mind And So Wrong It's Not Even Funny when you say: "...the biggest
being meat is not health giving or healing."  I guess you're Another
Fanatical Vegan who really Never wants to Look at Any Facts, Hard Data,
or Scientific Proof or Research because then you'd see that you were
Gravely, and I mean Gravely, in Error.

What you're saying does Such a Disservice to the Newbie and Uninformed
it's really Not Funny.  When you're going to say that Something is a
Fact could you please tell me how you know that to be True rather than
Stating it as a Truth to Try and Lead People to Believe in Your Radical
Fanatical Vegan Beliefs and Ways because in the Long Tern you're Dooming
them to an Eventual Very Unhealthy and Diseased Future and I wouldn't
want to be the One Responsible for something like that regardless if One
Believed in something like Karma or not.  I don't believe that there are
Truly Any Victims so if someone did follow your so-called Truths and
Vegan Ways and got Sick or whatever, they Truly only have themselves to
blame for not Researching this more thoroughly to the Best They Possibly
Could.  But why not be Honest and State that this is only what you've
Heard and Believe to Be True and not tell People that eating Raw Meat is
not only "not health giving or healing" but Toxic as well - Geesh!!!
Where on Earth did you hear this and who told you this was True so that
you now Espouse it as a Truth and Scientific Fact?  In my opinion,
that's really Irresponsible on your Part because if that Person who's
Hearing you Trusts you and/or Believes you they might not Search any
Further or Deeper until they noticed something wasn't Working for them
which could take quite a few years to begin to Manifest.

I know you might find this a Little Harsh but Believe Me here when I
tell you I'm Being Nice because the Ones who know me here are Probably
Surprised at how Held Back I'm being with you instead of doing some of
my Usual Blasting when someone So Obviously Doesn't Have A Clue What
They're Talking About!!! - :)!!!

What I think you're probably basing your Beliefs, Ideas, and Judgements
on is Cooked Meat where I'd be more inclined to Agree with you but not
completely, but at least more; because I too believe that too much
Cooked Meat could be Unhealthful to the Body but some certainly would
not and should be fine in my Opinion so, in my opinion, one shouldn't
have to worry about the Occasional BBQ Chicken, BBQ Ribs, Steak,
Hamburger, or something of that Nature when you're out with Friends,
Family, or Whoever and you want some Cooked Meat and/or that's all
that's available.

Now I can point out so many Reasons why Being a Vegan and Veganism is
not Natural for Humans and, on the contrary from what I've found, Quite
Deadly, or at least leads to a rather Unhealthy Life in the Long Run
before you get Sick, Run Down, and Die - Uucchhhkkk!!! That sounded
really Morbid and I really didn't like that way I felt when I wrote
that!!! - Yuck!!! - Who knows, maybe some People really can thrive being
Vegetarians to at least a Certain Extent; maybe some People have
Adapted, Mutated, and/or Evolved to do so, but I don't know of any who
Fully Have and can Fully Survive that way.  Although I know they can do
Very Well from what I know if they're Comsuming Raw Diary and Eggs,
because then at least they're getting some Raw Animal Food in their
Diet, but are they really Vegetarians anymore then just because they
still don't eat Raw Animal Flesh - In my opinion, I Don't Think So!!!
But as time went bye - and I don't know exactly when this changed
because I didn't research it but I'd like to know so if anyone knows
please let me know - Vegetarians started seperating in to Subgroups and
so that's where the definitions start getting different and the terms
somewhat confusing if not Very Confusing unless you happen to be in the

I did a little Searching on the Net and using "vegan AND vegetarian" to
see if the 2 words were found together maybe I'd get some type of
Definition for them.  Well I did and I found 2 useful Results which led
to some really good URLs and Info:
Vegan and Vegetarian Stuff - http://www.waste.org/~oxymoron/vegan.html -
where I found:
rec.food.veg FAQ - http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Vegetarian/FAQ/rec.food.veg.html
- but it didn't work so I went to another Link it had there:
vegan-l FAQ - http://envirolink.org/arrs/faqvegan.html - and it worked
and there it had a Link that said:
"You can also download a text version of this FAQ file." -
http://www.veg.org/veg/FAQ/vegan-l.html - but it didn't work but gave me
an Error Message where I recognized the URL:
                            Error: Not Found

The requested URL, http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/veg/FAQ/vegan-l.html, was not
So it loooked like http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/veg and http://www.veg.org/veg
are the same and they were: they both went to the Vegetarian Pages which
was also one of the Links I found at the 1st URL I went to; in fact, it
was the 1st Link listed there under:
   Web Guides and FAQs
      Vegetarian Pages
      Veggies Unite! (recipies and info)
      Minnesota Vegetarian restaurants from the World Guide to Vegetarianism
      MN-Veg, the Minnesota Vegetarian Discussion List
      Mega Veggie Index
      U of M Veggie Recipes
      rec.food.veg FAQ
      vegan-l FAQ
This gave me the idea to see if I could find "rec.food.veg FAQ" by just
changing the URL to match the Vegetarian Pages URL, so I did and after a
few tries it worked:

http://www.veg.org/veg/Vegetarian/FAQ/rec.food.veg.html * Error: Not Found
http://www.veg.org/Vegetarian/FAQ/rec.food.veg.html     * Error: Not Found
http://www.veg.org/veg/FAQ/rec.food.veg.html            * Worked

So obviously someone just made a mistake when they made the Link or it
was an Old Link that they just didn't Update.

http://www.veg.org/veg/FAQ/vegan-l.html still didn't work so I tried:
http://www.veg.org/veg/faq/vegan-l.html just to see and it didn't work
either - URLs are Case Sensitive at times like when on a Unix System and
so I tried.

I also tried:
http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Veg/FAQ/rec.food.veg.html      * Error: Not Found
http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/veg/FAQ/rec.food.veg.html      * Worked

And so I could see that it was for sure Case Sensitive on their Server,
but at least I was still able to get the vegan-l FAQ in HTML Form and
that worked fine.

The 2nd Result I found from my Search that was useful was:
Re: vegeterian children(vegan vs vegetarian?)

A "vegan" diet is one that is unambiguously devoid of all animal
products, including eggs and dairy. The term "vegetarian" has come to
encompass diets that include dairy and eggs, which used to be called
So we can see that some Vegetarians went from what my Research seems to
show leads to a Very Non-Healthy and Problematic Life (Veganism), which
will effect some People later than others for Various Reasons that I
could guess, to something that seems that they can actually Live Really
Well And Thrive On Like Us RAFers - Cool!!! - These Veggies must have
Trusted Their Instincts or Something and just Seemed to Know that they
needed some Animal Food in their Diet, even if it wasn't always Raw, and
if they couldn't eat Meat for some reason, whether it was Emotional or
Psychological or whatever, they now could still get Everything they
needed for the Most Part - Cool!!! - Let's Hear It For Their
Instincts!!! - Yeah!!! - Those Really Cool and Feeling Instinctual
Ovo-Lacto-Veggies!!! - Yeah!!! - :)!!!

Well here's what I found at: http://www.veg.org/veg/FAQ/rec.food.veg.html
and it's Really Good and Cleared Up A Lot!!!:
From: [log in to unmask] (Michael Traub)
Newsgroups: rec.food.veg,rec.answers,news.answers
Date: 13 Jan 1997 22:17:58 GMT
Summary: The following contains general information on all aspects
         of vegetarianism, and answers to common questions.
Keywords: FAQ

Archive-Name: vegetarian/faq
Last-Modified: 19 Oct 1996


         Rec.Food.Veg's Most Frequently Asked Questions List


  1     Definitions
    1.1   Words frequently used in rec.food.veg
    1.2   Other confusing terms
    1.3   Terms confused with vegetarianism
. . .
Subject: 1 Definitions

  1.0 DEFINITIONS of words frequently used in this newsgroup...

    Vegan: excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood),
    animal products (eggs and dairy), and usually excludes honey and the
    wearing and use of animal products (leather, silk, wool, lanolin,
    gelatin...). The major vegan societies all disallow honey, but some
    "vegans" still use it. Some "vegans" also refuse to eat yeast

    Dietary Vegan: follows a vegan diet, but doesn't necessarily try and
    exclude non-food uses of animals.

    Vegetarian: usually broken down further into OVO-LACTO, OVO, and
                LACTO. Vegetarians may or may not try and minimize their
                non food use of animals like vegans.

      Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian: same as VEGAN, but also eats eggs and milk
      products. This is the most 'popular' form of Vegetarianism.

      Ovo Vegetarian: Same as VEGAN, but also eats eggs.

      Lacto Vegetarian: Same as VEGAN, but also eats milk products.

    Veggie -- Shortened nick-name for a VEGETARIAN; often includes VEGANs.

    Strict vegetarian: originally meant vegan, now can mean vegan or

    The term 'Vegetarian' was coined in 1847. It was first formally used
    on September 30th of that year by Joseph Brotherton and others, at
    Northwood Villa in Kent, England. The occasion being the innaugural
    meeting of the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom.

    The word was derived from the Latin 'vegetus', meaning whole, sound,
    fresh, lively; (it should not be confused with 'vegetable-arian' - a
    mythical human whom some imagine subsisting entirely on vegetables
    but no nuts, fruits, grains etc!)

    Prior to 1847, non-meat eaters were generally known as 'Pythagoreans'
    or adherents of the 'Pythagorean System', after the ancient Greek
    'vegetarian' Pythagoras.

    The original definition of 'vegetarian' was "with or without eggs or
    dairy products" and that definition is still used by the Vegetarian
    Society today. However, most vegetarians in India exclude eggs from
    their diet as did those in the classical Mediterranean lands, such
    as Pythagoras.


  1.1  Definitions of some other confusing terms

    Semi-Vegetarian: Eats less meat than average person. See also

    Pseudo-Vegetarian: Claims to be vegetarian, but isn't.
                       Often used by VEGETARIANS to describe
                       SEMI-VEGETARIANs, and PESCETARIANs.

    Pescetarian:      Same as VEGETARIAN, but also consumes fish.
                      (often is a person avoiding factory-farming
                      techniques...) See also PSEUDO-VEGETARIAN.

    Fruitarian: Same as VEGAN, but only eats foods that don't kill the
                plant (apples can be picked without killing plant,
                carrots cannot).

    Vegetable Consumer: Means anyone who consumes vegetables. Not
                        necessarily a VEGETARIAN.

    Herbivore: Mainly eats grass or plants. Not necessarily a

    Plant-Eater: Mainly eats plants. Not necessarily a VEGETARIAN.

    Nonmeat-Eater: Does not eat meat. Most definitions do not consider
                   fish, fowl or seafood to be meat. Animal fats and
                   oils, bonemeal and skin are not considered meat.


  1.2 Terms that are confusing when talking about VEGETARIANs

    Kosher: Made according to a complex set of Jewish dietary laws.
            Does not imply VEGAN in any case. Does not imply OVO-LACTO
            VEGETARIAN in any case. Even KOSHER products containing
            milk products may contain some types of animals which are
            not considered 'meat'.

    Pareve/Parve: One category in KOSHER dietary laws. Made without
                  meat or milk products or their derivatives. Eggs and
                  true fish are pareve, shellfish are not.

    Nondairy: Does not have enough percentage of milkfat to be called
              dairy. May actually contain milk or milk derivatives.

    Nonmeat: Made without meat. May include eggs, milk, cheese.
             Sometimes even included animal fats, seafood, fish, fowl.

Boy I tell ya! that Sure was Really Good and Informative and Really
Cleared Up A Lot!!! - Cool!!! - :)!!!

Now I know that "[t]he term 'Vegetarian' was coined in 1847." - Cool!!!

I also got a little bit More Info at:
Vegan-L's Most Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ was compiled by Michael Traub ([log in to unmask]),
and originally converted to HTML by Leor Jacobi.

Why Vegan?

Veganism may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as
far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty
to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

In dietary terms it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal
produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and
their derivatives.

Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and
poultry farming is probably the single most common reason for the
adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health,
ecological, spiritual and other reasons.

Definitions Of Words Commonly Used:

Vegan: excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood), animal
products (eggs and dairy), and usually excludes honey and the wearing
and use of animal products (leather, silk, wool, lanolin, gelatin...).
The major vegan societies all disallow honey, but some "vegans" still
use it.

Strict vegetarian: originally meant vegan, now can mean vegan or
vegetarian. Pure vegetarian: as per strict vegetarian.

How Is "Vegan" Pronounced?

The word was invented by Donald Watson in the 1940's. It is pronounced
"vee-gun". This is the most common pronunciation in the UK today. No one
can say this pronunciation in "wrong", so this is also the politically
correct pronunciation. In the US, common pronunciations are "vee-jan"
and "vay-gn" in addition to "vee-gn", though the American Vegan Society
says the correct pronunciation is as per the UK.

A Little History

Here are some of Donald's own words from the early years (1945):

'Vegetarian' and 'Fruitarian' are already associated with societies that
allow the 'fruits' of cows and fowls, therefore.. we must make a new and
appropriate word... I have used the title 'The Vegan News'. Should we
adopt this, our diet will soon become known as the vegan diet and we
should aspire to the rank of vegans.
Well I thought that was Useful - at least it was for me - and it's
getting So Late - or So Early as the Case May Acutally Be - that I need
to get some Sleep and I'll have to finish this Message up when I get up
later today.  But before I go I want to Shoot Down and Blow Away a Long
Standing Belief especially in the Veggie World - By the way, I was using
the Term "Veggie" for Vegetarians before I knew others were too because
it was just easier to write and I'm glad to find out that's what's known
as the Nickname - Cool!!! - Here it is:
 Myth: Animal fats cause cancer and heart disease.
Truth: Animal fats contain many nutrients that protect against cancer
and heart disease; elevated rates of cancer and heart disease are
associated with consumption of large amounts of vegetable oils.
(Fed. Proc., July 1978 37:2215)
So put that in Your Pipe and Smoke It!!! - :)!!!  Later when I get up
I'll give you a lot more Actual Hard Data and Scientific Research that
shows you're Really Way Off in your Ideas about Veganism and Meat

 - Take Care!!!
  - Gregg!!!