Hic un question del lista Auxlang, si alcun de nostre
membros con plus experientia pote inviar information
in re le Occidental e como le Occidentalistas/Interlingueistas
deveniva membros del movimento pro Interlingua il esserea
un adjuta multo appreciate.
Hic le question de Bob...
>Now. I have been reading most of the discussion on Novialoids.
>since I just found the German book on Occidental, and an
>dictionary with ten languages, I have become curious about
Occidental. If I
>understand correctly, even J. at one time seemed to like
Occidental. What
>was "wrong" with Occidental, if that is the way to say it, and
why did it
>not supercede Novial? Was it internal deficiencies, politics,
timing, or?
>Does anyone have an opinion or experience on this?
>Mil gra,
Ille vole saper pro que le movimento pro Occidental
non progressava e ille crede que Novial lo supercedeva...
mais le veritate del situation esseva que le Occidental
existeva al minus in forma scripte pro medio del Cosmoglotta
usque le annos sexanta, nonne? E multos del membros
del movimento pro Interlingue/Occidental deveniva adherentes
del Interlingua de IALA. Nos ha varie hic al lista INTERLNG
que esseva Occidentalista in su juvene annos.
Si vos pote facer un responsa educate per favor invia le
information a Interlng e io lo passara al lista Auxlang.
Jay B.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Robert J. Petry <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list AUXLANG
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, March 28, 1998 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: my project
>James Chandler wrote:
>> Everything I am deciding is being done in public anyway.
Bruce is not
>> gaining much by hearing the discussions on Auxlang, as soon
it will
>> all be posted on my site. Let everything go into the public
>> If you see anything you like in my shop window, please take
it and use
>> it: that's what it's there for. [kut]
>Great, looking forward to the "final" info.
>Now. I have been reading most of the discussion on Novialoids.
>since I just found the German book on Occidental, and an
>dictionary with ten languages, I have become curious about
Occidental. If I
>understand correctly, even J. at one time seemed to like
Occidental. What
>was "wrong" with Occidental, if that is the way to say it, and
why did it
>not supercede Novial? Was it internal deficiencies, politics,
timing, or?
>Does anyone have an opinion or experience on this?
>Mil gra,