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Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 16:46:08 -0700
text/plain (95 lines)
Hi Janis!!!

Taylor - Tue, 29 Sep 1998 06:02:08 PDT:
>> I have just found out my boyfriend has genital herpes. Does anybody know
>> of any way to get rid of this, using nutrition or alternative medicine
>> or herbs? He is just about to complete his residency and will be a
>> physician in January, so he knows about what traditional medicine says
>> (can't do anything about it). If I get it, it can get passed to my
>> babies during birth, I've heard. HELP!!

Janis - Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:53:52 -0400:
> I want to second the information sent by Gregg Burton (a GREAT POST Gregg)
> as he describes the devices I've been using since early August to cure my
> CFS, which I was able to control with a raw diet and relaxing lifestyle
> (meditation, yoga, energetic healing) but which would reappear in times of
> stress.  I also had a spot of genital herpes on my buttock (thanks to my
> crook of an ex-husband who lied about what he had), and which also flared up
> in times of great stress, thereby creating even more stress.  I never tried
> a program such as Roberta describes, but did go to many alternative
> homeopaths and chiropractors who "treated it" unsuccessfully.
> Anyway, see my earlier posts on my experience with blood electrification
> (the Beck devices). I am certain my herpes is gone, but it will take about a
> year to be sure.
> (nb:  you can't tell anything from a blood test, because all they can test
> for is the antibodies to the herpes simplex virus 1 or 2, and these will
> still be in your blood after you no longer have the virus; many people have
> the antibodies but never have the active virus; also because herpes is
> latent and hides in the nerve sheathes, it can only be tested accurately
> when cultured from a sore during an outbreak.)
>  Your boyfriend will be amazed at the potential of these devices.  I am
> sitting here at the computer using the silver pulser (the one that does
> blood electrification and also makes colloidal silver).  I woke up with a
> stuffed head and sneezing at 8:30, put the device on about 9:00 am, drank
> some distilled water mixed with fresh lime juice and a cup of hot green tea
> (the second cup from the same bag to eliminate most of the caffeine), and
> now in less than an hour later my head feels almost totally clear.

I'm glad you had and are having such good results from the Devices.  I
can tell by the name you're using that you must being using the ones
from Russ out of Canada, which are the only other ones endorsed by Bob
Beck, and they're really Good and Top Quality Units.  From what I can
see you don't see to have a MPG - Magnetic Pulse Generator - and so I'm
wondering how you were going after any of the latent virus that seem to
hide in the Nerve Sheathes and/or other areas.  You mentioned you know
about how latent Herpes virus hides in the Nerve Sheathes and so the
Blood Purification Devices can't get in there because there's no Blood
Flow in the Nerve Sheathes and in some other ares of the Body.  If you
don't know much about the MPGs and/or how they work I can tell you more
if you Contact me, but maybe you do and just didn't get one yet.  But
before I'd say I was cured I'd make sure I went over my Whole Body until
I was sure that all those Little Suckers were gone from everywhere they
might be hiding - Get those Little Suckers!!! - ZAP!!! ZAP!!! ZAP!!! -

The Units I use are from Mike here in the U.S..  I know both of the guys
that Bob endorses and just happened to get my first Units from Mike but
not because Russ' weren't as good it's that I made more Contact with
Mike, but I spoke to Russ' Office and got a call into him to see if any
of them have made and further Innovations or Advancements and so far
they seem to be pretty much the same.  It just now seems to be what you
like more cosmetically, and I tell you it's a hard call because they're
both really nice - And a far cry from the first Units these guys first
did a few years ago - Thank God for the Improvements!!! - They are both
so much better now!!! - And a lot smaller!!! - :)!!!

About Blood Tests, it's good to get to see what you have, not just for
Herpes, because when you're done with the Treatments after about 30 days
you can really see how you're Blood has changed and looks so much nicer
and healthier not just what the tests say.  I mean you can Really see
what's going on, that is to say if you get Live Blood Analysis and you
can also get Dark Field Microscopy - I can tell you more about them
later, but they're really the best ways to see what's Really going on in
and with your Blood, and your Blood doesn't lie.  I don't care what
someone might say you can look at their Blood and have a pretty good
idea of what's really going on and it can be really nice to know
especially if you have something going on that you really feel you want
or need to take care of.

I'd like to know where and from who you got your Units from if you
didn't get them from Russ himself at one of the Health Shows and also
I'll share any of the Latest and Greatest info I know with you and
anyone else who's interested.

Well it's nice to see someone else here who's had some Great Results
with these Devices and I look forward to hearing some more Stories and
Great Results!!! - :)!!!

 - Take Care!!!

 - Gregg!!!!
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