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RICHARD BOETTNER <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 21:55:53 EDT
text/plain (21 lines)
from what ive read - eating raw is treated as a kind of cure all and
sounds good but lets take someone that has arthritis and or serious sinus

what about also using herbs or homeopathy to help the body begin it
journey towards health and make it slightly more comfortable than just
quit everything (too much cooked food, liquor, smoking, ect) and go cold
turkey and lets just suffer thru detox until we are well

so what do people think - what stages would you recommend for someone
rather than cold turkey - so that it becomes a good experience moving to
a more raw food diet, rather than an unpleasant

you see my parents are very stuborn and wont change a thing to help
themselves so if i can encourage something other than cold turkey - over
a period of a some months - then they will try it - they hate sudden

well let me know - thx