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LIFE F0RCE <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Mar 1998 01:22:59 EST
text/plain (91 lines)
<<  Sorry for the typos and spelling mistakes  >>

My best friend Ed who works for aol and is a TOTAL computer nerd tells me that
typos and spelling mistakes are a sign of super hipness and cyber coolness -
he says it shows you think so fast that your hands can't keep up with your
speedy brain. I likd thot inttetpretatiom.

<<  Ideology has faith, even in the absence of "support" (even in the presence
of contradictory evidence). >>

Yes but intuition and a "gut" sense about something, even when everything else
seems to contradict it, turns out so very often to be our intelligence working
when we don't even recognize it. I wouldn't want to discount this.  I think
we're much smarter than we usually think we are.

(On the other hand, some people, I can think of a few right now, do not fall
into this category. These are so exceedingly stupid, that whenever they talk
they make everyone who hears them much dumber).

<<  Human nature isn't perfect, and it includes a bunch of stuff that doesn't
much work ;) >>

I prefer to think of it this way - that human nature is in fact very perfect
(Jaloa will, and probably already has,  proven that to you). But people begin
to get "warped" at a VERY young age by sometimes well-meaning-but-misguided
adults, and sometimes deliberate evil, and sometimes accidents. Because of my
work, I am lucky enough to have seen over and over again that underneath the
weird behavior that we all have, there is always an unbelievably perfect
human. (and I work with some pretty weird people from time to time).

( On second thought, however, I can think of some people, a few come to mind,
that this does not apply to. These were just born bad. :))   )

<< Like cashews, a mango peel is interestingly provided with 'stops' for an
unwary animal. The 'instinct' is quickly taught. >>

Why are you comparing cashews and mangos? Is there some relation between them
that I am unaware of? I have not ever tried to eat the mango peel - I always
take it off.  Is it poisonous or horrible? I eat loads of mangos.

<<  it would be an act of AWESOME stupidity to be photographed naked in an
avocado tree >>

No one would ever do that.

<<  Probibiton didn't work, but there is recovery for addictions for anyone
who wants it. >>

The problem is that alcoholics KNOW they are addicted, like cigarette smokers,
caffeine drinkers, drug addicts, and regular-type people with various food
addictions.  To scold these people for their addiction is certainly not
helpful.  HOWEVER, in the case of the fanatical fruitarians that you
mentioned, they do not know that they are addicted. So with them it is a
different challenge: to get them to at least acknowlede that, if nothing else,
maybe their behavior around eating is a little bit "rigid."

<< NFL trying to be "radical" in southern CA (or on Oprah, dream on) is kinda
like trying to get attention by drooling at a big city bus stop ;) >>

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!  Thanks!!!!!  Hysterical!!!!!


On another subject - this evening I received SEVEN private emails in reply to
my comments on jr's list about "snake-oil" sellers in the health-food world -
all thanking me profusely for clarifying some confusion about conflicting
theories, and two asking "what 'other' raw list? you mean there is another raw
list? how can I get on it?"

Isn't that great? I'm really glad I wrote that paragraph. It's funny that it
seems to have made a difference, because I feel like I've been trying in every
different way I could imagine to say the same thing over and over again over
there,  but until now I have never gotten a single word of acknowledgement,
either public or private. Maybe David's cross-posts and the unstable
atmosphere over there helped make the timing right for a few people to
reconsider some unchallenged notions. Thanks again to you'all for all your
work and posts on the plagiarizing.

Lots of Love To All,   Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)