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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 20:47:39 -0900
text/plain (199 lines)
Whoa! ROTFLUIFPITF!! NFL digs themselves further in...

>If we tried to be scientifically objective about it, we might well conclude
>that omitting a few quotation marks and formal references is quite a bit
>MORE moral than eating the flesh and muscle of innocent slaughtered animals
>(raw or cooked) to satisfy your unnatural addictions.

>Time will tell the truth.  Keep eating that filth and we'll see who gets
>the last laugh.

Such a nasty tone. Such a judgemental boy. Keep it coming, David. You are a
different fellow when you aren't stealing someone else's words. Keep em

>I'm not in this to write formal scientific papers.  I'm in this to present
>logical arguments

We're still waiting for that. But we're getting this instead. =:O

>them.  Diet is a life or death issue (for animals and people) and
>humanity's diet is ravaging the planet.  This is a forum for people who are
>seeking the truth of health and natural eating, not reference citations.

You were kicked off this list! And now you preach about what the forum is
for?!? Whooop!

>People want answers to the questions raised about your basic assumptions
>(Why there are no common ancestors, no micro-mutations leading to
>macro-mutations, no Darwinian embryological development).  If Darwinism is
>a fact, why can't you or anyone else demonstrate it scientifically?

Gosh, David, I think it is you who has failed to demonstrate anything. But
you just keep saying the same thing over and over and maybe it will become
fact if you really really BELIEVE it hard enough.

And _who_ exactly wants answers to the questions you raised/plagiarised?
There has been next to no reaction to your silly posts.

I would like an explanation of your blatant and atrocious plagairism. You
seem to be skirting that issue with all this huff and puff about basic
assumptions. Unsuccessfully, I'm afraid.

>>>It doesn't take long doing that before you realize it's a thankless task,
>>since NFL's style is generally to pump out the deceits at a rapid pace

>So decietful in fact, that NOT ONE substantive issue was addressed by Ward
>on the theory of evolution!  ...interesting...

He addressed at least seven issues in passing by my count, but you seem to
have missed the main issue: your dishonesty and deceit. Do you really think
that you can possibly avoid what anyone can plainly see: you blew it BIG
TIME, David, and adopting Stephen's bully mode isn't gonna cut it--though
it does show what you are like just beneath the manipulative infomercial
smiling/posturing you lay on in public most of the time.

>>Here's at least one big THANK YOU. I sure appreciate your time and effort
>>on this post(s). Besides being instructive it was highly entertainly, a
>>real hoot =:O ;)

>A real hoot, because you have no job and nothing better to do than e-mail
>-- even in a paradise like your new residence....unbelievable!

Yeah, unbelievable. Keep it coming!!!

>Or is it
>funny because Ward just wasted 2 weeks of his life without addressing ANY
>substantive issues whatsoever?

It's funny because your "intellect" is revealed for what it is (or should I
say isn't). It's is even funnier now as you reveal the basic immaturity of
your entire personality--keep it coming!!!

Stefan wrote:

>>if you think you are doing a thankless job you might be right. At least
>>I thank you a lot for it. I admit that I only skimmed over the material
>>and found my view of NFL confirmed: three boys still in puberty and with
>>lots of hay and anger in their heads. :-(
>>They remind me a bit of those boys in "Clockwork Orange". Did you see

>"We're singing in the rain!"  <Kubrick, Stanley, "A Clockwork Orange"
>(film), screenplay adapted from "A Clockwork Orange" originally written by
>Anthony Burgess...incomplete reference and plagiarism...I've been immoral,

And embarrassing. Do you really think your "followers" will be able to
ignore this plagerism? Do you think Wild Oats is going to be delighted to
hear about it? Even EarthSave is gonna have to wash their hands of you,
unless they are completely out of it--which they don't seem to be.

Your online track record is public and permanent--keep it up, boys, keep it up!

Billings wrote:
>>It appears that Wolfe/NFL may fear that, if people learn the truth about
>>the real evolutionary diet of humans (omnivore), and ape diets (most
>>are omnivores), then they won't be interested in the extremist dogma
>>that NFL promotes. However, the ends do not justify the means - those who
>>promote idealistic diets using false information, are not helping to make
>>the world a better place, in my view.

>"...the real evolutionary diet of humans (omnivore)?"  Still the issue was
>skirted and not addressed.  Why?  Perhaps omnivorists fear to learn the
>truth that the theory of evolution is false?  Hmmmm...

Do you really think anyone cares? Trashing evolution (or more to the point:
plagairizing someone who tries to trash evolution) doesn't make Nature's
First Law true. You are obviously the one trembling in fear to learn that
your frutarian dogma is bankrupt. If people didn't see through you before,
they certainly can now. Again, keep it coming!!!

Peter Brandt wrote:

>>Well, this is one hole they cannot dig themselves out of.

>What hole?  You're eating raw goat testicles and WE'RE in a hole?  Laughable!

Ah, um, the hole of plagairism. And now the hole of acting like a ten year
old who turns bully when shown up as a fool.

>Investigative journalism should be done into the theory of evolution, which
>is what those on the DUM diet want most assiduously to avoid!

It seems to me that nobody much cares about evolution except folks like
yourself who feel threatened from their self-perched pose as deities. Then
the world becomes us vs them. But in actuality most of the world is
watching Seinfeld, not debating evolution or fruitarianism, or for that
matter, plagairising on steroids.

>>How will they react now that they have been caught in public with their
>>pants down and exposed as the frauds they are?

>Wearing pants is unnatural.

I guess that is how they react. =:O Keep it coming!!

>>One would hope that it might
>>humble them a bit and maybe even help them regain some of their senses but
>>I fear that they will see this only as a temporary setback in their
>>campaign for the Arian, fruitarian master race to take over the world. ;-)

>Our campaign is to save animals from the ravenous, cooked impulses of filthy
>minds and to expose the logical errors in eating innocent animals.  This is a
>just world governed by law and you'll pay the price for taking DUM (Dead
>Uncooked Meat) advice.  When your time comes, you can rest assured, we'll
>be celebrating.

Keep it coming, David!! Keep it coming!!

>Ours is a campaign which exposes the lie of evolution and dietary systems
>built upon it.  You can attack us all you want, you may deride us, insult us,
>but in the end...there we are!  Hah!

You sure are there (at least thanks to Vicki). Keep it coming!!

>>If the ramifications of what these fruitarian crackpots are preaching were
>>not so potentially harmful for those gullible enough to try to follow their
>>advice, this whole affair would be quite comical.

>Insults now?  "Crackpots?"  Insult me to my face and we'll see what happens.

Yeah!! That's it! A little 12-year-old bravado always looks good from folks
with higher aspirations and holy campaigns.

>Actually, eating raw goat testicles is quite comical.  Who is the more
>gullible: The fruit eater or the testicle eater?

Riviting dissection of the issues at hand, David. Keep em coming!!

>A final thought to ponder:
>Is a child being immoral when s/he picks a fruit for the first time,
>afterall s/he is plagiarizing a parent?

Zinggggg! Case closed, eh? Have you any idea how silly you sound? Keep em
coming!!! Everyone should see beneath the surface of your veneer and you're
giving everyone a clear view of how it really goes inside that neocortex of
yours. Keep em coming!!

>The DUM diet bites the dust.  <plagiarized from part of a song I think>

Something has bit the dust, but it ain't your silly acronym.

>David Wolfe
>Nature's First Law
>The World's Premier Source of Raw-Food Diet Books, Booklets, Videos, and
>Audio Tapes.

Get em while you can!
