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"Ricardo Juliao L." <[log in to unmask]>
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PCBUILD - PC Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 00:48:17 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
On a MMX200 overclocked to 3x83 with W95-OSR2, OS/2 and Linux, with video
>based on a S3 Virge DX chip upgraded to 4 MB, with a 17" monitor, I am having
>video defects (similar to random pixels) on normal windows opening/closing
>using the high video resolutions, such as:
>        -Mouse cursor turns into a big ugly square. The cursor point is the
>upper left corner.
>        -Random spots over min/max/close windows buttons (upper right).
>        -Random spots on the desktop (such as a wide horizontal line).
>        -Random spots on the Start button and the taskbar.
>        -Icons misarranged opening windows.


Mmmm....so i´m not the only one....
Well I don´t get a corrupted mouse cursor, but i do get the random white
spots all over the screen, especially when I drag windows. The problem
started when I upgraded my motherboard and porcessor from AMD 5x86 133 to
Pentium 2 233 PD440FX motherboard. I have tried, so far, a new video card,
another monitor, reinstalling windows 95 OSR2, new video drivers...so I
guess i´m gonna live with it until I go mad a shoot the freakin computer ;)
I have 32 meg EDO Ram, SiS 6202 2 Meg video card, 14" Monitor.

Ricardo A. Juliao L.
Member of the HTML Writers Guild
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ICQ 2206530

http://construir.home.ml.org & http://www.ciudadfutura.com/construir