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"J.A. Drew DIAZ" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:34:55 -0400
text/plain (1052 bytes) , message/rfc822 (1799 bytes)

STALS R US wrote:

> hey
> I've been enjoying your posts on the BP thingy....
> matter of fact, I hardly read most of it, there is sooooo much.
> but I always open yours.
> I'm a specialties subcontractor and installer out Ohio way.
> I wore a dress and heels to work for a while,
> but decided I would make more money and be happier
> doing the work myself, with a helper sometimes.
> so that's what I do!
> aside from some residual tax problems
> and an inherent conflict about development/construction/rape of the earth,
> I'm pretty happy these days.   ;)
> but sometimes I wonder why _I'm_ not up in that tower
> blasting away
> somewhere in Manhatten,
> or Los Angeles,
> or D.C.
> If you read
> try Neal Stephenson
> start with Zodiac
> then Snow Crash
> then Diamond Age
> Diamond Age directly addresses the issues of the Victorian mindset
> it is heavy wading, some parts silly
> but worth it for the thought-provoking nature of the writing.
> keep up that commentary and the stories!
> see you around those telepathic chickens!
> deb bledsoe
> [log in to unmask]
> (my stock in trade is toilet partitions,   heehee)