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Fri, 5 Jun 1998 16:42:19 -0500
Ward Nicholson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
Tom said:
>> Nowadays I consider him to be a bit of a wacko.>>

Aaron replied:

>ha ha ha LOL!
>It doesn't matter why, but that statement is just so funny, it keeps making me
>crack up!  Thanks!

Maybe because of the phrase "a bit" (of a wacko)--a considerable
understatement, and put so very politely too. :-) More like a LOT more than
a bit of a wacko. Remember Ehret's famous formula?

"V" EQUALS "P" MINUS "O"! (yes, the "formula of life"!)

Yes, Vitality = Power minus Obstructions, and the lungs are actually the
pump and the heart is only a valve! All you had to do was get read if those
nasty mucusy OBSTRUCTIONS! And remember that you heard it first from
Professor Ehret way back in 1922 and probably earlier!

I quote from pages 54-55 of his Mucusless Diet Healing System (first
published 1922, copyright 1972 by Ehret Literature Publishing Co.,
Beaumont, CA 92223--if they are still around):


The human engine must first be seen before all other physiological
considerations as an air-gas engine, builded and constructed in its
entirety, with the exception of the bones, from a rubber-like, very
elastic, spongy material, called flesh and tissues.

The next fact is that its function is that of a pump system by
air-pressure, and  with an inside circulation of liquids, such as the blood
and other saps, and that THE LUNGS ARE THE PUMP AND THE HEART IS THE
VALVE--and not the opposite--as erroneously taught by medical physiology
for the past 400 years!

A further fact--one that has been almost entirely overlooked--is the
automatic, atmospheric outside counter-pressure, which is over 14 pounds to
the square inch. Immediately upon, and after each outbreath a vacuum is
created in the lung cavity. In other words, the human body animal organism
in its entirety, functions automatically by inhaling air-pressure and
expelling chemically changed air and outside atmospheric counter-pressure
on the vacuums of the body. That is vitality, animal life in the first
instance and importance. That is "P" (power) which keeps you alive--without
air you cannot life five minutes!


Yes, the good ol' V = P - O forumla, beneficent boon to humankind, and
father of all breatharianism theories too, quite possibly. Really, this is
great classic fun crank stuff. I had occasion some weeks back to read
through several chapters of this book again, and found myself grinning
giddily at almost every other paragraph at the unintended humor of it all,
and the sense of sublime ecstatic POSSIBILITIES it all invoked.

A bit of a wacko indeed. Yet I hasten to add I used to believe this stuff
myself in my younger, more credulous days (didn't we all? :-) and don't
some still to this day, even? :-)) when it seemed that vegetarianism led
inexorably to veganism, whereupon one might, if they were lucky, and
disciplined enough (and rich or crazy enough to buy or homestead land in
Ecuador in the shadow of the Andes where Johnny Lovewisdom was said to hang
out in the super-charged mountain air) graduate to fruitarianism, and
finally, yes finally, breatharianism. And even though the only examples of
these rarefied states were seen in pictures in unverifiable books, it was
just so MADDENING that those ridiculous close-minded SCIENTISTS just
couldn't see the infinite logic and new-age possibility of it,  and that by
jove, it just HAD to be true. It just HAD to be because it was so... so
MEANT to BE, because it was so, so absolutely !SUBLIME!

Boy were those the days. :-)

--Ward Nicholson <[log in to unmask]>

P.S. Does anybody really know how Ehret actually died? It says in the
foreward to Mucusless Diet Healing System that, "Professor Arnold Ehret,
Originator and Teacher of the Mucusless-Diet Healing System, was born July
29, 1866. On October 9, 1922, while still in the very prime of life,
enjoying a superior state of health known to but few men of present day
civilization, he met with an unfortunate accident, suffering a basal
fracture of the skull which caused almost instant death." And that's all it
says. Talk about being forthcoming. :-)

Anybody have further details? You know, though, at least Ehret like Paul
Bragg got to die of an accident and not have to worry about the ignominy of
dying of some unfortunate disease like Shelton and Fry and all the rest of
us, so his legend could be preserved. :-)