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Sun, 26 Apr 1998 01:05:58 -0500
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>>paragraph) whose improved blood work was instrumental in spurring Michael
>>Schachter's interest in=20
>>Aajonus' work died about six weeks ago as previously reported by me.=20

>Ben, has Aajonus made this widely known? Has he posted to your support

Kirt, yes, Aajonus told me this.  In fact he has explained to me that he
sees cases where cancers from artificial sources (chemical poisoining, for
example) grow at such astounding rates that nothing seems to affect their

>You are not demanding a public or private, scrutinized or not, single-blind
>double-blind or triple-blind study of ANY his raw-food ideas.

While I will be glad to see such large-scale studies done, it was more than
enough for me to talk to people who had experienced good results when
following his recommendations.  Then I simply performed my own personal
experimentation on his ideas.  I do, however, realize that detailed studies
must be performed about raw animal foods in general before the public at
large can make informed decisions.

>And as near as I can tell, you don't really want to hear any subjective
anecdotal stuff
>which doesn't compare favorably with your own limited experience on the

I tell you that is false.  If you truly have "subjective stuff" that is not
merely your biased personal opinion, I genuinely would be happy to examine
it.  I truly am interested in learning truth instead of formulating it.

>Yes, but what about the folks who it doesn't work as promised for
>(including possibly you at some point in the future)? Frankly, I worry when
>folks are thinking of choking down rasberry mold because they haven't yet
>got the superb results Aajonus promises. It reminds me of the "just one
>more 40 day fast and I'll be Perfect" crowd, or the "if only my food was
>all locally grown wild organic then I would get results".

The bottom line is that everyone is responsible for their own health.  If
someone is not experiencing a good balance while following Aajonus'
reccommendations, then by all means, I would hope they would continue to
search for their balance.  I hope that people aren't expecting to pick up
his book and be healed in one month.  It seems that whatever the nutritional
changes may be, healing through nutrition is a very gradual process.

>I suspect your health would've improved on any number of regimes which are
>in the same ballpark as Aajonus'. You seem such a reasonable fellow, but
>you cut Aajonus so much slack!

Your first statement may only be partly true.  I have dabbled here and there
in other paradigms of nutrition and not found much luck.  Now I am glad that
I have discovered that raw animal products are chief in finding my own
balance.  Only through Aajonus did I first discover that.

I do not feel that Aajonus knows all there is to know about nutrition.  For
that matter, I don't believe _anyone_ knows it all.  However, I do respect
him for his knoweldge, experience, and kindness.  From my personal contact
with him, he genuinely cares and desires to help people.  I do not feel that
he is out to conquer the world with his ideas.

I may be cutting him too much slack, and you may be giving him too much

>Look at the big picture, Ben. You radically changed your diet, noticed some
>exciting improvements in your health.  Certainly you can see that the
>foods you are eating and "Aajonus' ideas" are separate things--even if it
>was his ideas which spurred you to try the foods.

Exactly.  That is what I have been trying to say.  I feel that Aajonus' work
is great and will help many people come to understand the benefits of raw
animal products.  Nevertheless, it's not like he has a personal copyright on
raw animal products.

>Sooner or later, some of Aajonus' "clients" are going to have parasite

I can't really comment on this since I know about _squat_ concerning
parasites.  I'm trying to learn more about them and what risk is involved.

>And FWIW, the Moss review, nor Peter's info, has been acknowledged on the
>live-food list. :/ Maybe it isn't necessary since probably most folks are
>subbed to this list if they are subbed to your list

most are.  In fact I reccommended it because of the impressive
archive-search page.

>but  s t i l l  I'm
>sure you would crosspost a symathetic review of Aajonus' book (if one is
>ever written).

Look, I'm through playing mommy on that list.  And I'm not really interested
in manipulating reviews of his material.  If it gives you a thrill, feel
free to post Moss' review there yourself.

>I'm just picking on you cause I think you have the
>wherewithal to get beyond the ideology. Which is a backhanded compliment ;)
>If anything, I am guilty of trying to de-convert _you_, not from a healthy
>diet (whatever that may be) but from Aajonus' ideas and the shadow he casts
>over you. Probably I am pushing too hard, but life is short, eh? ;)

Whether or not I am entrenched in ideology, who knows.  I don't personally
feel too entrenched at the moment.  However, I'm sure you'll let me know how
I'm progressing.  :-p

The bottom line is that I'm going to continue to explore Aajonus'
recommendations and ideas, in addition to as many other areas as my brain
can handle.  And yes, you are pushing too hard, and yes, life is short.

In fact, my big 21st b-day is very soon!  Time to try a little taste of red
wine, eh?  Any recommendations?

