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Sat, 25 Apr 1998 08:01:13 -1000
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
>For one, I was not aware that Moss thinks that Aajonus is "simply lying." In
>fact he states in his conclusion,

>paragraph) whose improved blood work was instrumental in spurring Michael
>Schachter's interest in=20
>Aajonus' work died about six weeks ago as previously reported by me.=20

Ben, has Aajonus made this widely known? Has he posted to your support
group? Or is he letting his previously statements stand? It appears that he
is lying about his cure rate and probably even the number of "clients" he
has "served".

>Another thing:  No, I am not demanding a public, scrutinized, double-blind
>study of every aspect of his raw-food ideas.

You are not demanding a public or private, scrutinized or not, single-blind
double-blind or triple-blind study of ANY his raw-food ideas. And as near
as I can tell, you don't really want to hear any subjective anecdotal stuff
which doesn't compare favorably with your own limited experience on the

>Even more important to me is
>the fact that I have personally experimented with his concepts of healing
>with success.  However, at the same time I acknowledge that many others DO
>want an absolutely scrutinized proof of his work.  I think that is a very
>reasonable thing to ask.

Yes, but what about the folks who it doesn't work as promised for
(including possibly you at some point in the future)? Frankly, I worry when
folks are thinking of choking down rasberry mold because they haven't yet
got the superb results Aajonus promises. It reminds me of the "just one
more 40 day fast and I'll be Perfect" crowd, or the "if only my food was
all locally grown wild organic then I would get results".

>>Granted, your missionary phase is over, but is it to be replaced by passive
>Hmm... passive condonement.   Of what?

=:O Of Aajonus' doublespeak!

>I am very pleased with his
>recommendations and it has made a big difference for me.

I suspect your health would've improved on any number of regimes which are
in the same ballpark as Aajonus'. You seem such a reasonable fellow, but
you cut Aajonus so much slack! It is like the instinctos always letting
Burger off the hook, seemingly for sentimental reasons. Or the frutarians
and TC Fry. Or the whoevers and the whoevers. The big picture, mon, not the
diet gurus!

>I also realize
>that this should not be some fanatical "raw is law" issue where everyone
>should fall down and worship Aajonus.  I don't have some vision of Aajonus
>ruling the world with his raw food godhood.  Actually, I simply think that
>his ideas will help for some progress to be made in helping make more people
>generally aware of nutritional healing, just as many others have
>contributed.  I also think it is very healthy for all of this scrutiny to
>take place, as I stated earlier.

Sounds good!

>The bottom line is, Kirt that I respect your opinion.  If you think Aajonus'
>work is pure hogwash then that is fine.  I would hope that most people would
>be similar and not just blindly follow Aajonus for the hell of it without
>learning more.  In my personal experience I have learned that many of his
>ideas are important to my health, so that is chiefly why I am excited about
>his ideas and where they will lead in the next few years.

Look at the big picture, Ben. You radically changed your diet, noticed some
exciting improvements in your health. Whether this is because 1] you are
eating less carbs overall, or 2] are eating fewer grains, or 3] are finally
getting some great animal fats, or 4] those animal fats are raw, or 5] are
avoiding junk foods, or 6] a placebo self-fullfilling prophecy, or etc etc
etc ;) Who knows??? Superimposed on the regime you have succeeded (to a
degree) on is "Aajonus' ideas". These ideas range from standard rawist lore
to incredibly arbitrary concoctions and prescriptions, with a whole bunch
of hocus pocus thrown in for good measure. Certainly you can see that the
foods you are eating and "Aajonus' ideas" are separate things--even if it
was his ideas which spurred you to try the foods.

Sooner or later, some of Aajonus' "clients" are going to have parasite
problems. A "little" tapeworm is just a matter of time for _someone_.
(Indeed, I wonder if it has already happened given the absolute paucity of
reporting on counter-examples to Aajonus' claims for his invisible
clients.) No big deal really, but I gotta wonder: if a claimed cure who is
_dead_ doesn't make you take a step back and re-evaluate your "relationship
with Aajonus' ideas", will you shrug off future parasite experiences (if
not your own) as easily as you do the common complaints/problems seen in
Aajonus' regime (weight gain being the biggie if I understand it correctly)?

And FWIW, the Moss review, nor Peter's info, has been acknowledged on the
live-food list. :/ Maybe it isn't necessary since probably most folks are
subbed to this list if they are subbed to your list, but  s t i l l  I'm
sure you would crosspost a symathetic review of Aajonus' book (if one is
ever written).

>In these posts I
>hope it does not seem like I'm trying to convert everybody to some "perfect

Not at all, Ben. I'm just picking on you cause I think you have the
wherewithal to get beyond the ideology. Which is a backhanded compliment ;)
If anything, I am guilty of trying to de-convert _you_, not from a healthy
diet (whatever that may be) but from Aajonus' ideas and the shadow he casts
over you. Probably I am pushing too hard, but life is short, eh? ;)


Secola  /\  Nieft
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