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Print Reply
Sun, 4 Jan 1998 22:27:33 -0600
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
>However, they are interspersed throughout the volume; it will take a bit
>f searching to find them.  I'll be glad to point them out when I find them.

I look forward to reading them.  Especially as I know you will be going
through these two books with a comb. ;-)

>I think that while you, I, and Schmid agree that there are clear benefits to
>raw meats, organs, etc., this does not necessarily mean that we _must_ eat
>them to have optimal health.

I am not sure as so little if any research has been done on the effects of
the comsumption of raw organ foods on human health.

> The main reason that I choose raw is to overcome disease more quickly.
>true, the most important aspect of our food is its quality, origin, etc.
>owever, do you agree that in most cases, raw is more desirable?

No. I think that the balance of the macro nutrients, the quality of the
foods and whether or not they cause an immune reaction are more important
than eating raw.

>>Living in Texas my guess is that your main source is Manning's Beef
>>available from Whole Foods Market?

>When I can get there (it's an hour's drive, and I don't currently own a
>vehicle), yes.  :-<

I guess this means that you are getting most of your meat from the local

>I have asian friends who confirm this custom.  Time of burying eggs varies,
>but usually the eggs are fermented to the point that the yolk turns a very
>dark, blackish color, and the whites become jello-like.  I have to admit
>that this does not seem tasty to me.  Of course, I haven't _tried_ it
>yet......  ;-)

It is important not to forget that bacteria are not all created equal. Some
are fairly benign as the ones in your eggs and some can be lethal causing
infectious diseases that can terminate you in a New York second - unless of
cause your biological terrain is in a optimal state of balance. ;-) I
expect that you will report back a year from now and let us know how those
eggs taste. :-)

>However, I am often guilty of this very kind of limited tunnel-vision myself.

With such a level of self-knowledge so early in life, I do not think that
you have much cause to worry. :-)

>I'll not argue that.  So maybe I am guilty of a little enthusiasm about my
>own paradigm of raw-foodism.  Just a habit.

Considering the benefits that you have reaped from such a short time on the
raw diet, it is little wonder that you are so enthusiastic.  I do not mean
to be a party spoiler - only to give a little perspective.

>don't know what to say to that.  I saw the same need for more information,
>that is why I instituted the website www.odomnet.com/live-food and the
>mailing list to offer a place for people to find more information and

And good you did.  You might want to contact the publisher and get him to
add a link to your website.  If you want his email address let me know.

Best, Peter
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