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Print Reply
Tue, 23 Dec 1997 11:05:25 -0200
text/plain (78 lines)
>I can certainly sympathize with you regarding conflicting  B-12
>information. I have a pretty good supply of information from recognized B-12 authorities
>which contridicts each other.Some do say the body is able to store large
>quantities of  this necessary nutrient. I,personally do not take a chance, and take B-12
>in sublingual form about 4 times a week when I am not consuming B-12
>containing foods.  If this  issue is important enough to you, consider having a blood
>test done. You would then have a definitive answer.
> Regarding the larger question of diet/mental functioning: does your
>diet  include adequate quanities of essential fatty acids? Could you be suffering
>from low blood sugar with your 70% fruitarian diet? If you wish to post more
>information about your diet, I will try to be more specific.

Hi Roy,
Sorry for taking this long to answer your kind reply, but I  was out on a
trip last weekend. What worries me most with my diet, is some hazards I might be incurring
without knowing, since I began my diet without medical guidance, and fixed
it to my own needs, not tighted to any of the  major lines . Just checked
the nutrients and seemed fine(except for B12). And any doc I tell about my
way of eating, they seem impressed and say it's great and healthy
I had my sugar blood level tested twice, and is normal. Cholesterol, of
course is as low as 119. I wonder if this can be harmful either. I've read
somewhere that very low levels of cholesterol(and fat intake) could be
associated with higher levels of cancer.
Haven't tested my B12 blood level yet, but will
do it soon. And will follow you, taking the suplements, "just in case".
I've had symptoms of hypoglicemia  twice at noon, that went away eating  a
papaya and a bannana.
About the fatty acids, I don't really know.
My diet responds to what my organism asks.  I don't do planned meals. I
exercise twice a week at the gym , bike 30 miles(18mph rate) on saturdays
aftenoons, and play tennis once or twice a week. I do feel quite lacking
energy at the end of this activities, as I can sometimes feel cramps,
weakness, dizzynes and can't get a good aerobic performance at the end,
sweating the hell off. I feel like if I should be having a better aerobic
endurance, with this kind of activities.
My dietary guidelines are very simple: no fat, no refined sugar, and be as
vegan as I can. And  no, could not beat the Diet Coke habit yet...
A typical day menu would be something close to this:
-I start the day by eating fruits, like some 2 peaches, 3 red plums and a
bannana. This will be repeated 3  times along the day.
-Also I would have a salad, made of 2 lettuce leaves, 1 cup of bean sprouts,
, 2 tomatos, 1.5 cups of chopped carrots , same of beets, 1 fresh sliced
cucumber,1 cup
of sweet canned corn(steamed), pieces of palm hearths, sliced mushrooms,
aspargus,  olives . Dressed with rice vinager, olive oil, sea salt and
-A fresh vegetables and legumes cooked soup, with grated parmesan cheeese
and parsley , when I feel needing a hot dish(during winter, 6 months a year,
here) or an all vegetables sandwich instead.
-3 slices of whole wheat light bread(fat free, sugar free)
-1 tb spoon of low fat  ricotta
- 1 cup of popcorn(air popped)
- 1 sliced mango
-1 pineapple
- 1 cup of european red grapes
-6 pieces of dried damascus
-2 oz of raisins
-3 pieces of cucumber pickles
-2 oz of sliced Turkey breast, smoked
-2 liters of Diet Coke
- Eat nuts , but not daily.

As I found out, this makes me have an antioxidant levels of Vitamins A, C, E
, K and betacarothene, and most other nutrients and minerals are a little
higher or lower than RDA, except for B12 and fat (30% of RDA)
Since  I started this way(4 years ago, more strictly), I healed blood
hypertension, high cholesterol,  never had flus and bronchities that I used
to have 3 times a year, my digestion and bowel are just fine(work like a
biodigestor...) and had many other benefits. But still, I can notice some
difference in my memory.
    Thank's a lot again for your reply, and I would really appreciatte any
input you or anyone else could do.
    Also thank's and sorry for being this long
