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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Richard Keene <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 09:29:34 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
>>> Larelle <[log in to unmask]> 02/17/99 04:49PM >>>
Larelle wrote:
> Have any others on this list come from the raw food vegetarian
> I also want to know if any of you have overcome candida, severe
> bloating/suspect gut permeability problem? (I had a stool test CDSA,
> which
> confirmed candida)

I had none of these.  The only problem was some stomache cramps if I
ate in the morning.
I usualy had lunch as my first meal of the day, but then ate late at

Richard wrote:
> I ate near-vegetarian for years.  When I read Atkin's book and
> to try it, there was severe mental
> dissonance as I started to eat lots of meat.  I also got a lot of
> from my wife and associates (who are
> now starting on the Atkin's plan).  It took several days to begin to
> feel comfortable eating so much meat.
> I had lots of thoughts, such as "aren't I going to die from
> cholesterol",  "Isn't it evil eating these poor helpless animals?",
> "surly I'll have a heart attack by the end of the week!".

Richard, how long have you been eating paleo style and what health
have you noticed?  Can you tell me what is Atkins full name and what is
name of the book I should look at?

I've been doing the Paleo thing since about September of 1998, or about
6 months.
I think Atkin's first name is Doctor :-)
The book is the New Diet Revolution.  It's in most book stores.  Or

> Still, when I started to loose a pound a day, while eating lots of
> bacon, eggs, beef, chicken, fish, etc. and especially
> when the mental fog, depression, ADD that I've had for forty years
> cleared, then the diet became easy.

Interesting to hear others suffered from mental fog - I have been
that there is something wrong with my memory and it often feels like I
trying to think through a heavy fog type feeling.

> Hang in there.  I suggest taking vitamins and mineral supplements if
> a very low carb. Atkin's style induction
> diet so deficiencies are avoided.

What sort of vits and mins?  What might be lacking?

I just do the natural Vitamins.  The only bad ones seem to be Centrum.
They taste
like some kind of chemical brew.  I always buy a different brand each
time I buy
Vitamins so that there is more balance and to avoid year after year of
one brand.
The brain fog seems to me to be caused by grains.  That is not very
conclusive though.

R. Keene

Regards, Larelle