Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
David Karas <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 13:53:42 -0700
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Being a listowner is a lot of extra work. I do it because I believe in
the subject matter. Because I do the work I get to decide how the list
is run. The purpose of this list is to discuss paleo ways of eating
and how to make them work in our lives. We have NeanderThin and its
author Ray Audette as a basis. Hopefully everyone on this list has
read this. It answers many many questions but to quote a recent post
from Ray:

> There is only one law in NeanderThin (on page 1).
> Anyone who obeys this law is eating "paleo" (and without original
> sin). NeanderThin does not have all the answers.  A major part of
> its' purpose as a book is to produce questions.

As far as I am concerned, discussion is allowed. This is how we learn
and grow. I hope that we all gain from our participation on paleofood.
Any subscriber that feels that the list is not meeting their needs is
free to signoff at any time. There are people leaving and joining the
list every day. I usually take a hands off policy on the list and
allow the discussions to proceed. How I run the list is not a valid
topic of discussion on the list. If anyone has comments they are to
communicate with me privately. I will moderate the posts of anyone
trying to take these topics to the list. This is called being on
Subscribers that participate in attacks on other subscribers (flames)
will also be put on review. I am very busy and do not like extra work
so please stay on topic as much as possible. Also maelstrom/St. Johns
policy is the listowner is responsible for his/her list and any
attempts to contact St. Johns personnel over unhappiness with how a
list is run may cause your removal from all St. Johns lists. This
policy has been given the acronym LIOLI (Love It Or Leave It). The St.
Johns administration is not willing to be bothered with the lists that
it hosts and has agreed that this policy will insure that. Any
problems should be brought to me and if I do not resolve them to your
satisfaction, you are free to leave paleofood. Hopefully we can get on
with more fruitful discussions.

With respect to list moderation, I do not choose to go to full
moderation at this time. Also please do not bother Ray with list
matters. He has given us the book, his time and his caring
participation. I would think that this is a full plate for him.

Thank you all for your attention,

Dave Karas
listowner paleofood