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Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:05:20 -0500
text/plain (81 lines)
>What is the difference between cancers from artificial sources and cancers
>unknown cause? And how in the world would anyone tell the difference?

Liza, please understand that I am by no means a cancer expert.  When I
mentioned the cancer from "artificial" causes, here is an example.  A person
may develop cancer after being exposed to a man-made virus (chemical
warfare), or chemical poisoning, etc.  One such case I was aware of was
concerning an enlisted man who was in great health and was exposed to a
large amount of chemical poisoning in Somalia (sp?).  He developed such a
fast developing cancer that he died within a few months.  That is
essentially the type of fast-moving cancer that I was referring to, as
opposed to a gradually-developing cancer.

>I'm sure you know that what usually happens is that the
>person thinks that they somehow are at fault for not complying rigidly
>to the rules of the diet - that its not the diet's fault it's theirs. And
>then, like you say above about nutrition working gradually, they assume
>probably have just not given the diet long enough to work its cures. So
>you're faced with the fact that you may be unwittingly leading people down
>dangerous path, particularly if they have serious health problems that need
>attention and they are relying on the diet to get well.

This may seem cold, but once again, I feel that it is up to the individual
to be responsible for his own health.  Regardless of what his doctor,
herbalist, therapist, or yes, even nutritionist tells him to do, if he does
it without first doing his homework and thinking it through, I think it is
still his resposibility.

For example, look at the big noise about Phen-Fen.  For a long time, people
just popped those pills like crazy without even know what the long-term
effects would be.  Now everybody is out to sue the manufacturers and doctors
for their health problems.  However, in my personal opinion, I think they
need to realize that they were the ones who took the responsibility when
they decided to take those pills.  Does that seem completely harsh, or does
that make sense?

I genuinely don't see how Aajonus' fairly simple recommendations can
seriously "harm" people.  And hey, if he really, truly is at fault, and is a
complete liar, out to kill the human race as we know it, then I hope he is
exposed for what he truly is!  However, based on my personal experience with
him and his clients, he has truly helped many people learn about raw animal
products and how they can be incorporated into our diets.  I hope that
perhaps there is a balance where we both recognize him for his shortcomings
_and_ successes.  What are your thoughts?

><< Look, I'm through playing mommy on that list. >>
>Mommy?? I thought you were the originator, owner and moderator of that
>Am I wrong? You lost me - I don't understand what you mean by playing

Kirt suggested that I might want to write my own review or soften up the
moss review before posting it to live-food.  When I say I'm not playing
mommy anymore, I don't feel like I should be "monitoring" any content that
comes and goes through the list.  I feel like anyone should be able to post
what they feel like posting whether it is to sing the praises of Aajonus or
damn him to hell.

>it might be helpful for some people to see a
>contradictory view, and I think its the right thing to do.  I'm subscribed
>your list - do I have your permission to post the review?

by all means, post away.......

>Hey Ben  -  HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!  Twenty-one WOW!!!! I
hope you
>have a totally awesome birthday!!!

Thanks Liza!!  Wanna come to my party!?   :->
