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Fri, 20 Mar 1998 07:06:36 +0000
text/plain (17 lines)
  The spray's no giant step but a tiny one, even a misstep, and most likely
revealed to counter Consumer Reports and quiet the consumer mind.
  Friday's NY Times points out:
 1. hens used to give their chicks their immunities to salmonella by
living with them, the eager young things scratching where mama
 2. an ever-so-pure carcass is put in the fecal soup with all others
in state-of-the-art slaughterhouses.
   These may help explain how 'free-range' bodies are AT LEAST as
full of the organisms as factory-raised: the chicks may have been
incubated and bought factory-style (and the free-range may not be all
that free), and the slaughterhouse takes care of any wholesome
results.  Ain't progress grand?
