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Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 21:26:36 -0800
text/plain (148 lines)
> << (Oh, Liza, if Jaloa is so perfect, why does she spit up occasionally,

> Maybe she's politely trying to say something about the meal.

Cute!!! - :)

> << and where are those little cheek pimples from? ;)) >>

> They're your fault, of course.   :>))

 - :p

> << The body uses the same physiological principles throughout, so it is very
> likely that carbohydrates can be altered as well, and that toxic metabolites
> accumulate. >>

> Yes that makes sense. I am wondering in what way the molecule is altered.

Me too!!! - And I had no idea which Post you were responding to!!! -
Thank God for Search!!! - :) - I see that this was a Multiple Message

> << I doubt if it has been studied thoroughly, except maybe by the Picower
> people who study AGE's >>

I'm Lost!!! - I looked everywhere and read about AGEs but no definition
but finally found one in:
Item #3191 (9 Jun 1997 08:50) - Talk: Avoiding Env. Threats to Health (long)
Do not heat food that contains protein, fats, sugars, as AGEs are created. Food
examples here include pizza, pie, glazed ham. AGE = advanced glycation end-
product. These adhere to tissue, and stiffen it, and can lead to kidney and
Don't eat microwaved foods, as they affect your immune system, and reduce white
blood cells. If you want to cook, steam (or boil) the foods. Most steamed/
boiled foods are OK. You can get AGEs if you mix protein, fat, sugar. AGEs
are also created at room temperature, but very slowly - increase the temperature
and you will get more AGEs.
So now I know: AGEs - Advanced Glycation Endproducts.  They also seem to
be called Maillard Molecules as I read in:
Item #4225 (21 Aug 1997 04:55) - Cooked foods and aging (long)
*****What Are AGEs?

*****AGEs are products that form spontaneously in all natural environments
where proteins and lipids come in contact with glucose or other
sugars. AGEs are known by food chemists to exist in cooked foods,
such as baked goods, glazed meats, and roasted coffee but were
not believed to be toxic or absorbed into the bloodstream or to
have any biological effect other than imparting flavor and color.
AGE formation, also known as the Maillard or browning reaction,
occurs independently and slowly inside the human body. In a sense,
human beings are perpetually cooking internally over many years.

*****AGEs accumulate in everyone, but at a faster rate when blood
glucose is elevated, as in patients with diabetes. In fact, people
with diabetes typically have 2 to 3 times higher levels of AGEs
than nondiabetics. In diabetic patients with kidney dysfunction,
the risk of complications is more pronounced because the AGEs
are retained in the body longer due to impaired urinary clearance.

The food AGE findings described here were discovered by the same
researchers who, together with others, first showed that in diabetic
patients elevated levels of blood sugars accelerate this process
and contribute to the development of diabetic complications. The
combination of accelerated AGE formation due to diabetes, plus
the daily ingestion of AGEs from cooked foods over the years,
may pose an increased risk to the vascular system and kidneys.
I found this all rather interesting and I wonder if it's all really true
and how much can AGEs accumulate in the Body before they get eliminated
or so they stay in the system until they're naturally cleansed by Raw
and Healthy Diets and/or so specific foods and herbs Cleanse these out -
At least from what is thought.

> Thanks for the name of this group Ellie.  I will check on the internet to see
> if they have any info about my questions.

FYI their Web Site is:
The Picower Institute for Medical Research - http://www.picower.edu

> << Most of my understanding about toxicosis come from the study of Natural
> Hygiene writers, primarily Herbert Shelton. Are you familiar with his works?
> >>

> Yes, his and probably most all of the others on this topic. :>))

Is there anything I might like particularly about his works with me
being a RAFer?

> <<  I've seen photos of ball lightning, >>

> Pet, what IS ball lightning?

It's basically like a Ball of Lightning and looks similar to the Plasma
that you see if those Glass Globes at the Toy or Science Store that have
Plasma/Lightning go to the inner surface of the Glass wherever you touch it
 - They're Pretty Cool!!!

The best thing to do is type: "ball lightning" with the quotes at any
Search Engine - I like Infoseek a lot.

The following is a pretty good article on what they think it might be:
Great Balls Of Steam by Carl Zimmer - Source: Discover Magazine, July 1993 -
Since I was hit by it and have had it almost hit me on several
occasions and once it seemingly came out of my Body, I cam give you my
first hand experience if you want to e-mail me privately or call me

> << can't keep it out very long because of all the bad and potentially deadly
> bacteria.  Well I've eaten Raw Chicken over a week old >>

> Be careful Gregg - salmonella contamination has been all over the country
> recently.

Do you think that really applies to Fresh Raw Natural Organic Chicken or
just to the Hormone Antibiotic Injected Caged Crap they sell in most
Stores?  So far I've been fine with all the Raw Meat and Raw Organs I've
been eating for quite sometime so I'm not particularly worried but I
also wouldn't take any chances if I could help it - But I really do
Trust my Instincts - Thanks for being concerned though if you really
didn't know that the scare really didn't apply to the Raw Chicken I get
- :)

 - Take Care!!!
 - Gregg!!!