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Jo Yoshida <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 22:41:51 GMT
text/plain (31 lines)
Roberta wrote:
>>In Asia women do not have such problems with hot-flash
>>symptoms and some scientists think it is from eating lots of soy

Stefan wrote:
>Or from eating very underripe Mangos. I watched it several times in
>an Asian Shop and most Mangos in Asian Shops are underripe so it might
>be a widespread Behavior. Can anyone confirm this?

Hi Roberta & Stefan:

Asia covers a lot of territory but I would have to reckon that the
consumption of under ripe mangoes seems prevalent in the Subcontinent in
the form of chutneys; and piquant salads (shredded with a marinade) or
snacks (slices with salt) found in Southeast Asian cuisine. I haven't run
across raw under ripe mangoes north of, say, Taiwan, and even there I don't
think it's a popular item for most people (fruit snacks are usually dried,
salted or jellied).

If Asian women don't suffer from the hot flashes of menopause (I wasn't
aware of this), then maybe we could step back and examine the larger
picture rather than try to isolate it to soy products or under ripe
mangoes. Hard, under ripe mangoes resist bruising during transportation and
most people will wait until they ripen after they take them home from the

Love and Abundant Health,