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Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 23:51:44 -0800
text/plain (209 lines)
Hi Karl, Roberta, and All!!!

>> When I read your posts, hmm, I thought, - if you take a relatively
>> normal person and deprive them of normal fats and all flesh proteins and
>> B12, I would bet you would soon have an irrational, illogical,
>> aggressive, hostile person.

> :-)))

 - Hahaha!!! - :)!!! - I think so too!!!

>> Or is that these irrational people need weird and nutritionally defective
>> diets?

> Good question, indeed. :-)


>> Does anyone know if similar experiments have been done on animals?

> Animals rights activists wouldn't allow such a torturous experiment.
> :-)

But they sure might allow them on certain Humans - Especially us RAF and
Meat Eaters!!! - :)

> I bet if you take an animal that normally consumes flesh foods, deprive
> them of all such fats and proteins, then cognitive ability would be
> impaired, and that hostility heightened...

You know what - Really, all joking aside - I bet that something like
that does take place, at least on some level.  I personally have met
people who were "Way Out There" Vegetarians and they didn't seem that
Healthy, Stable, or Grounded; there was just something about them - not
all of them - that just didn't seem as Solid, or whatever word I would
call it.  I still though do, in my High and maybe Lofty Ideals and
Beliefs, believe that it's probably possible to be a Vegetarian, or a
Fruitarian, or a Breatharian, or maybe just live off the Pure Energy of
the Universe - An Energerian or something - I saw a word like that today
in another post -, but I feel/believe that on some Physiological Level
that something actually changes in the Body and its Chemistry somehow
and that these People who make the Change or Jump are no longer in the
same Category as most People - But remember this is just a Feeling and
Belief I have and I have no proof of this - Also maybe the Children of
these People also have the Change and so they were be born that way at
least to a certain extent.  And along the same lines, I personally have
often wondered if certain people get together who have certain Latent,
or maybe not so Latent, Traits and Abilities and they have Children, do
and will, at least some of, these Children exhibit these Latent Traits
and Abilities; but of course in them they'll be fully active? - I don't
know, but I feel that there is some Truth to this.  I know at least
Genetically that this hold true and it's like each Parent has a certain
pieces or a piece of the puzzle and when they have a Child it maybe gets
these pieces and somehow might put them together and have these Latent
or Potential Traits and Abilities the Parents never Manifested or
Activated - Who knows!!!

Basically, I know that this might sound very strange to some, but I have
a feeling that somewhere in Out Distant Ancient Past that Beings not
from this World so to speak came here and either had Offspring with the
then People inhabiting the Earth at the Time, or at least they
manipulated or altered in some way those People.  In my opinion, this is
not really all that too far fetched when you start study Anthropology
and Archeology and realize that some of the Great Ancient Civilizations
of Earth literally sprouted up out of nowhere, literally overnight.  And
when you study the Ancient Indian Scriptures, the Vedas, you'll see that
they talked about what they called the "Gods" and that they had Flying
Ships - Vimanas - and could travel around the World and, from what I
remember, to Distant Worlds and they also had weapons that sounded and
acted just like Our Atomic and Nuclear Weapons of Today - So this is not
just so idle talk or just a crazy idea but really has some basis to it.
You can also find similar things in the Bible where it says in Genesis
6:4: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward,
when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore
children to them.  Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of
renown."  And also in Genesis 19:24: "Then the LORD rained on Sodom and
Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven," So as you can
see there is some precedence for it in some of the Ancient Scriptures of
this World.

Without sounding even stranger hopefully, to give you an example: the
last time I checked my Body Temperature it was about 2ºF below "Normal"
- Whatever "Normal" is -, and I seem to be able to do things like no one
I met before: I can stay up for 5 days without sleep without any drugs
or stimulants - Now I'm not saying I don't feel exhausted after 5 days,
I've only done it twice, but I don't know anyone else who can do it
while they are being active and productive; I basically never get sick,
and whether it's really Hot or Cold by Body acclimates without a
problem.  It can be really Cold outside and I don't get that Cold and
can feel quite Warm, and when it really Hot I don't sweat or barely
sweat compared to everyone else I know - All my girlfriends call me
their "Heat Box" or "Furnace".  So I always wondered if I was Physically
different, at least, in some way and if my Physiologically and Body
Chemistry was in some way different as well.  Aajonus said some People
have what he calls Overactive Glands so I don't know if it's that or
something like that - Who knows.  What I do want to know if anyone has
noticed things like that about themselves or anyone else they might know
or at least know of.  I, for example, know of someone - A Lady - who can
hear outside the "Normal" Human Range and know of another Lady who also
can; the latter one, in fact, can hear clearly in the Dog Range - So it
does happen.

Another thing, which I wonder is if it's Physiological or
Spiritual/Awareness Oriented in some way, is that I've been struck by
"Ball Lightning" and have had it almost hit me 3 other times, and even
once had it come out of my Body; in fact, it came out of me about a year
before I was first hit.  I have heard of this happening to other people
or at least they had a lot of Electrical Phenomenon like I have had
throughout my Life until my early 20's - I'm 32 now -, after that I sort
of got more Grounded and it wasn't as dramatic.  I could tell you a lot
of what happened but it's just like an Episode of "Sightings", "Strange
Universe", or "Psi Factor: Chronicles Of The Paranormal", so I won't go
into all the details unless someone wants to specifically know.

The interesting thing about the "Ball Lightning" - at least in my case -
is that I'm Russian/Ukrainian and all of my Family is from the Ukraine -
At least Genetically.  I'm 1st Generation American on my Mom's side, as
she was born there, but on my Dad's side I'm 3rd Generation, but because
his Family married within their own Culture it's as if I was born in the
Ukraine myself as my Parents would have only been a few 100 miles from
each other - What A Trip!!! - Since my Mom's Family is Russian Orthodox
and my Dad's Family Russian Jews.

Well back to the "Ball Lightning", that info was just to inform you want
I'm about to say: I got struck my the "Ball Lightning" right around my
18th Birthday the day after I saw "Return of The Jedi".  In the movie
Luke Skywalker was getting "Zapped" by Lightning from the Evil Emperor
and was saying, "Father save me!!!".  I told my Mom, "Most people who
get struck by Lightning die because they resist it.  I would just let it
flow through me and have a good time."  Well the next day I got hit
inside the house in front of my Whole Family and my Mom saw the "Ball
Lightning" come out of the sky and into the house and hit me; I only saw
the last part where it went through the kitchen and around My Family and
then hit me in the Laundry Room where I was doing the washing up,
cleaning the pots and pans.  Well that was in June of '83 and in August
I moved back to America, Los Angeles to be exact, to go to College and
live with my Father.

While going to College I took Anthropology and part of the Course was a
studying of Shamanism, and one of the main book we use was: "Shamanism:
Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy" by Mircea Eliade, which is a classic in
it's field.  In the book he said something I found very interesting and
I was like Blown Away: He said something very interesting among the
Siberian Shamans - which is where my Genealogy would be from - and from
what I remember he didn't notice this with any other Shamanistic
Cultures - is that in their Tradition/Culture, and I'll paraphrase here:
"Balls of Lights come out of the sky and strike the child who is going
to be the next Shaman so there would be no doubt, and this can happen on
more than one occasion."  Well I bet you can guess what my Response was
or how I might have Felt or something; although I don't remember the
exact words I might have used, I can still remember the Feeling for the
most part.  Right after I found out I showed this to my Father and
asked, "Isn't this where our Family's from?"  He didn't seem to want to
comment and just looked at the passage and made some small noise and
left the room; I had had some other Strange Experiences some of which he
was part of and saw the results of, and I guess he just didn't want to
deal with it.  When I was about 14 he wanted to get me tested because of
all the things that had happened around me and I said no because I
thought I might be put in some Gov't Program or something and I didn't
want to be part of that; I wanted my Privacy and Anonymity and didn't
want to be watched or looked at my Whole Life - And so I'm glad I didn't
do it.

That wasn't the end of my Experiences and it was only a few months later
when we were having the terrible rains here Los Angeles that Fall that I
had the "Ball Lightning" come again; but this time it was while I was
riding my Motorcycle in the freezing rain and this time it was Royal
Blue in color and looked more like a Plasmatic Jello - Usually it was
like glowing Bluish-White Plasma like you get in those Glass Globes at
the Toy Store that shoot Lightning to wherever you touch them.  I was
really cold and wished I could be warmer and so I started humming to
myself, like people do sometimes when they're really cold and wet, and I
started to see these, what I thought were, American Indians dancing
around a fire in my Head.  Well they were making this this chant or
sound and so I copied it - It sounded like what you hear American
Indians sound like when they dance around a fire - and I immediately
started to get warmer so I did it even louder.  Well it was only like a
minute or so after that that I saw the "Ball Lightning" coming right out
of the sky again and I said, "No not now!!! Not while I'm on my
motorcycle!!!" and it moved direction slightly and hit the ground near
my bike and went Splash - Really Splash - and then dissipated, so I
called it "Splash Lightning".  I had never had anything like that happen
before or after except in my Dreams - But that's a whole nother story!!!

Anyway, I would like some Replies and Comments on the Idea that some us
of might be Different on whatever Level and that it could show up in the
Body either Physically, Anatomically, or Physiologically in some way or
another.  Because, like I said, who knows maybe some people can really
thrive on RAF and it seems to be what Ancient Man really ate and evolved
on, but maybe some other people really thrive on Vegetarianism etc. are
evolving towards that and maybe the Body itself changes and adapts and
evolves right during your Life depending on your Way of Life and
Lifestyle through God Knows whatever means, and maybe there are certain
triggers that start the changes taking place - So maybe instead of
having to go through Generations and Generations of Adaptation and
Evolution some of Us can actually Evolve during Our Own Lives - Who
Knows!!! - But it's sure something to think about!!!

 - Bye For Now!!!
 - Gregg!!!