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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Drew Dunn <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 15:39:55 -0600
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
If you use Microsoft Windows 3.x, 95, 98 or NT, you need to read this...


For those of you who have been around PCBUILD for a while, you probably
remember when it was just a sleepy little list of a few hundred subscribers.
Of course, now it's got well over 1100 subscribers, plus mirrors on several
other networks.  Bob and I have estimated that as many as 10,000 people may
see the posts to PCBUILD.

As PCBUILD grew, we realized that there was a need to address software
issues that just didn't fit with a hardware list, so we created PCSOFT.  It
has mushroomed into a great list, supporting just under 1100 subscribers.

VPLANETS came about in an effort to help out everyone who uses the Internet.
Internet questions that didn't quite fit in with PCBUILD or PCSOFT are
perfect for this list.  Over 600 people subscribe to it.

The success of these lists is directly attributable to the quality of the
people who use them, both posting and reading.  While we have a crack
moderating team (whom you can see on the web at http://www.nospin.com), it's
YOUR efforts of posting excellent topical messages and providing the kind of
give and take that helps share important information that will make us all
better at what we do with computers.

That's a long-winded way of getting around to the subject at hand...we have
a new list that is going to affect just about everybody who subscribes to
the "big three".

PC-MS is a new list designed to address questions relating to Microsoft
operating systems.  It's not hardware or software specific, but covers those
"in between" issues that could be one or another.  It's also for problems
that are clearly operating system specific.  Areas that we envision will be
covered include:

-Hardware compatibility
-Operating system installation
-Functionality questions

That's a short non-inclusive list.  Basically, if you have a question and it
appears to revolve around the operating system, it will need to go to PC-MS.

The list is specifically for Microsoft operating systems.  That means that
it's not for other operating systems like OS/2, Linux, Be, etc.  Also, it's
not for application software.  Please direct those questions to PCSOFT as
you always have.

So, you'll need to subscribe to PC-MS.  And how do you do that, you
ask...it's easy!  Just send a message to: [log in to unmask]
with the text:

subscribe pc-ms <firstname> <lastname>

For example, if I subscribed, I would type: subscribe pc-ms Drew Dunn.

Or, you can use the web interface at http://adsl12.bois.uswest.net/archives
to subscribe or unsubscribe.  Remember, this list is served from a different
computer from the other lists.  The address to send posts once you've
subscribed is: [log in to unmask]

That's about it.  We'll have a grace period of a week or so while everyone
gets used to the new list structure, but please try to use the right lists
for the right questions.

Finally, if you have any questions, please email me at the address below, or
Bob Wright at [log in to unmask]


Drew Dunn
[log in to unmask]
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