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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 20:25:43 +0100
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Hi Jen,

For you and any others having trouble with a raw diet (meaning
fruit and veggie only in my case) here are a few comments from

> Hello Everyone!  My name is Jen (aka Kashmir3).  I've been mostly raw for 3
> months now.  (I've been a vegetarian for 15 years)

I have been a raw vegetarian for around 3 years and a vegetarian for
just over 10 years (so you even have a lead on me on the latter score!).

>  I have 3 daughters, two
> of whom are nursing.....6, 3 and 10 months.


> I've been posting occasionally
> at living-foods.com and I love the site, but I am feeling like there is a
> lack of balance.

I have looked into living foods and find there are some very important
aspects (see below) which they either ignore or are unaware of.

>  I walk 4-6 miles a day


> and do Taebo every day.  On 100%

What is Taebo?

> raw I was feeling "spacy" and shaky.  I also had constant gas/diarrhea,

Did you have it constantly for the three months or only for a couple of
weeks or so?

If the former then you may have been eating shop-bought produce
sprayed with animal excreta (this is a common practice with
veggies such as maize/sweetcorn, cabbages and brussels sprouts,
for example, and the latter two, as well as raw peas, will make
you gassy even if they are not sprayed).

If the latter then consider it normal as your bacterial flora need
a bit of time to readjust. Preceding the switchover with a two-
week water fast (including regular bowel irrigation) will cut
down this rather uncomfortable time even further.

> though I am very careful about food combining.  I have in the past month or
> so eased onto the Fit For Life style, I have fruit in the morning,

Excellent...as long as you get it from a reputable supplier who
guarantees (and you can certainly tell) that it is sun-ripe and
free of all agraricides.

> almond/banana/date or berry shake for lunch

Berry shake...you are mixing milk and fruit!!

>....dip and veggies for snack

If you are snacking you are seriously doing wrong.

> and
> a huge main dish salad with grains, beans, cooked veggies, etc.

All modern grains such as wheat, barley, rye and oats contain much
too much of a sticky and useless protein known as gluten or
gliadin. This protein can actually gunge up your intestines and
hinder the intake of nutrients (particularly fats and fat-soluble
vitamins). If eaten on a long-term basis the protein can actually
reduce the size of your intestinal villi (i.e. the total area
involved in nutrient absorption). I would suggest you read all you
can about "diseases" such as coeliac and psilosis or sprue. There
are gluten-free grains around, e.g. buckwheat, maize/sweetcorn,
rice and millet but grains should never be eaten raw because they
can be detrimental for other reasons such as that they are toxic
raw and/or contain anzyme inhibitors which immobilize some or
more of your own digestive enzymes. Best to leave raw seeds and
grains alone...or sprout them.

> I lost
> about 25 lbs on the raw and for that I am grateful.

You will drop weight continuously on raw until you reach your
natural weight.

> I guess what is hard
> now is that I'm so afraid of gaining it back now that I'm eating cooked.

A Fit for Life regime (i.e. good combining) will prevent this but
is not a healthy diet in the long-term. Cooked meat and veggies
(even if correctly combined) are poor substitutes for raw, live

> I
> realize that this is irrational!  Before I went raw, I was eating fruit in
> the morning, then binging all day on moderately healthy food (except for the
> cheese!) and then after a HUGE dinner I would send my husband to the store
> for a POUND of chocolate and I would eat it all!

Such eating pattern are certainly not uncommon..and a sign that
something is missing despite the quantities.

> Now really, eating about
> 25% cooked whole grains, veggies and legumes is NOT going to make me gain
> weight with all of the exercise I do, also nursing two kids!  :)

Leave out the grains and include more fruit.

>  Help! I
> need reassurance!!!  I have been mildly anorexcic/bulimic in the past and I
> feel like I'm falling back into that mindset with all raw.

Let me know whether your raw diet followed of deviated from anything
I have said here and we can take it from there.

> I went to Tom
> Billing's site (BeyondVeg) last night and was almost in tears because
> finally I found some validity in what he was saying!  I love eating mostly
> raw but I have a hard time personally believing that grains and cooked
> veggies are "poison".   I hope this was ok to post, I don't want to step on
> any toes!  Peace!  Jen aka Kashmir3

This is what this list is for I would have thought. Hope I gave
you some "food for thought". ;-)
