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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 21:17:47 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
>> We  have several vegans who attend our potlucks, including one who has
>> been a raw vegan for 45 years,

>Can you share any details about this 45 year vegan? His diet?  Health
>Status?  Mental Status?  Etc.

I do not know the exact nature of his diet except that it contains a fair
amount of fruits, fruit juices and nuts.  He works out daily with weights
but rarely does any aerobic exercise.  He eats most of his foods in the
evening, is 15-20 pounds overweight, clearly has a fair amount of body fat
but does not look bad for his age (early seventies). He has a big heart and
an open mind yet in his counseling of people, can be very rigid & dogmatic
and stuck in old health paradigms.  An example would be his excessive
recommendation of fasting on water - until the return of "true" hunger.
Still, he can also be very outspoken about the hypocrisy in many of the
modern health movements and even though often domineering and blind to his
own flaws, he compensates well for this with a great sense of humor. All in
all a description I think would fit many of us health nuts. ;-)

>Let us all know if Jeff attends!

I will. If he does, I am sure it will be quite interesting. :)

Best, Peter
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