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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 13:50:33 +0000
text/plain (62 lines)
Hi Rex,

you have me at the point where I'am thinking about buying a simple re-
fractometer (perhaps with temperature-compensation) with a range of
0..30 Brix and an accuracy of 0.1 or 0.2 Brix. If I can find a cheaper
vendor than that for laboratories.

You wrote:
>Another thought is that you have given yet another reason we
>shouldn't eat stuff from far away places no matter how unmodern that
>makes us appear.  The middlemen just can't resist messing with fruit,
>can they?

Well they obviously can't and even the farmers in my country can't.
The crux with eating only local produce is twofold:
- a normal winter here in Europe lasts 6 months where there is
  n o t h i n g    local you can eat (except for dry leaves and few
  winter vegetables).
- a good chunk of our genes was coded in the tropics so even european
  instinctive eaters enjoy tropical fruits and demand for them.
Also I think it is not wise to stay at one location and eat only local
produce. Ancient humans were nomads for good reasons.

>My guess is that won't happen because the big boys know that no one is
>going to pick up anything labeled "parathion" or "malathion" or
>something of that nature.

Or labeled "irradiated" or "genetically engineered". We had this dis-
cussion here in Europe recently. The vendors and middlemen do what they
can to prevent the EU from introducing a law that enforces labeling of
genetically engineered produce. It's always better for them if they can
hide their food-treating practice. :-(

>I had your post printing before I was half way through reading it.
>Please feel flattered.

I will. Thank you. :-)
For my part there's a growing department in my brain that is labeled
"refractometers and Brix". :-)

>But first you have to talk about biophotones.  Are they related to
>radionics?  Do you have pointers?  etc., etc., etc.

I will dig it out at home.

>And while waiting for your post, I've got to go check my coconut for
>needle tracks.

I don't give you a chance. I never discovered one. Maybe the injection
is done before the nut is fully ripe so the plant can close the hole.
Hidden food treatment, see above.

Best untreated wishes,

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