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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 11:59:57 +0000
text/plain (57 lines)
Hi Barbara,

you wrote:
>However, I only do this at the time that hunger occurs, and not a week
>in advance! :) And mostly it is with foods that I have available (so
>why not just smell them, you might say?), but if none of those seem to
>fit, I will also start thinking about foods that I don't have on hand.

Perhaps I have overstated my issue here. Just to clarify: I don't detect
a need one week in advance! I detect it at the moment I'm doing the
test. Unfortunately this moment may be too late in the week to order
something from Orkos, so I delay the issue to the next week, hoping,
that the need is still there (mostly it is) and that it doesn't become
too strong until then (sometimes a problem).

An additional indicator is satisfaction after meals. If there's perfect
satisfaction I forget about food completely until the next meal. If not,
the mind starts "cycling" around foods and thinks over a food that would
probably give me the satisfaction I was missing.

>eating with great interest. I am not an instinctive eater (at least not
>yet - I am now in the process of reading through the Anopsology pages;
>thanks, Mike, for posting the details), and so I have been particularly
>bemused by

You are more instinctive than you think, if you eat raw. ;-) Even if you
don't give it your attention you will never succeed in overeating the
famous pineapple (or fresh figs, celery, wild mangos, etc.).

I'm finished with reading the newest version of Burger's book. He has
switched in some new material here and there (e.g. the herbs - well that
was really necessary!) but reading this again with the experience I've
gathered since, I see a lot of open questions. Also he frequently
doesn't answer the questions directly but somehow works around them.
(Although one might ask if the whole interview was real. I assume him to
be the writer of the questions too. Does anybody know?)

>Nevertheless, I have still been aware of that "difference of opinion"
>between my mind and my body at times, when I have eaten or drunk
>something less than nutritious.

It's one of my hypotheses (sp?) that psyche and body will integrate if
one returns to natural foods. If not, what poor creatures would we be,
equipped with a huge brain that is permanently interfering with a good
body function???
At that point I stronly disagree with Burger who suggests that we should
eat like unconscious unreasoning animals.

Thanks for your long post about your stops and body versus. mind.

Instinctive regards,


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