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Brett Murphy <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 13:15:30 +1100
text/plain (26 lines)
Bill Bartlett wrote:
> Blarne Flinkard wrote:
> >
> >Then, this morning, I found some provocative and downright audacious, if
> >not simply outrageous, ideas regarding what's going on in our minds
> >sitting in my email box. Without endorsing them, I will share them in this
> >forum in three parts under the title "Birth Trauma and the roots of
> >social psychology".
> I rejected this stuff without reading it, in fact I remember cursing the
> people at the McLibel list for sending out such rubbish.
> Don't misuderstand me, I made a brief attempt to scan the article, but when
> someone starts attributing greed, war and violence to birth trauma I get
> decidedly impatient. Doesn't seem much more sophisticated than the old
> twaddle that greed is human nature, which seems to be the article's
> underlying assumption.
> Psychobull is an apt summary in my view. But what is truly unforgiveable is
> that it is extremely LOG-WINDED psychobull.
> Bill Bartlett
> Bracknell Tas.
I think it sounds like nonsense.