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Thu, 30 Apr 1998 16:14:03 -0500
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
>Three weeks ago I got a routine blood test for informational purposes.
>Two weeks later I got the results and the nutritionist said it looked
>like I might have parasites.

I think that nutritionists tend to find/see parasites in everybody -
finding one who doesn't is as likely as coming across an alleged ex-lover
(or alleged object of his desire) of Clinton who is not somehow trying to
cash in on the experience. ;-)

>That very night I experience sever chills, woke up with cramps and
> took a laxative and had diarrhea and night sweats for four days.

These symptoms seem very acute to me, like a case of bad food poisoning.
What did you eat before you went to bed?

>Symptoms from parasites infections usually show up within days of
>infection although they can take up to ten years to show up.

Well, that does not leave much to chance. ;-)

> Did I causemy own symptoms or allow the parasite to win over my body
>of the deeply ingrain fear of parasites still present in my subconscious? My
>conscious thinking mind does not have such a fear but years of propaganda
can have a >lasting effect.

This sounds a little unlikely to me.  Maybe, you went to see your
nutritionist because you sensed something was wrong.

>I have studied Voodoo and it does have powerful effects, it is just the
opposite of the >placebo effect (the most powerful medicine ever tested, it
works for nearly every

I think that Voodoo only affects true believers.  Maybe we have you to
thank for NFL being so well-behaved lately? ;-)

>Now don't get me wrong. I do believe that out of control parasites can
>be a problem but in what I call a normal condition the body can deal
>with it with out too much trouble.

I am not so sure.  It is my understanding that most indigenous societies
have  traditions of regularly purging themselves of parasites by taken
certain herbs.  I have heard this is the case for certain animals as well.
It think all this might be a sign for me to eat more garlic, hot peppers
and horseradish with my RAF. ;-)

> Of course one of the body techniques is to use diarrhea to flush out as
much as >possible, but I talking about the body handling the infection
before it gets out of >control. A sort of symbiotic existence.

This is the ideal, anyway.  Maybe you have just been eating too much RAF
too soon and possibly it takes years of gentle transitioning for some of us
to be able to get away with eating a high RAF diet.  This is especially
likely, if you your stomach acids are weak and your intestinal flora

>As a last note. The pain was so horrible that I am considering
>abandoning the raw animal foods. I'll sleep on it for a couple of weeks.

Frank, I am sorry you had to go through such a gruesome ordeal I yet
appreciate your openness and willingness to share of your painful
experience.  It makes sense to me for you to go easy on the RAF for a while
at least until your insides have fully recovered. Gentle steaming your fish
might be a way to go.  Still, I hope you will make it to the RAF potluck on
Sunday; you can just pass on the "high" seal blubber and fermented sheep's
brains. ;-)

Best, Peter
[log in to unmask]

PS.  The archives have many good discussions on parasites.