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Print Reply
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 17:09:48 -0800
John Leschinski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Good point that you made here Vicki:

>Consider the fact that 99.999% of all living organisms on this planet are 100%
>raw eaters -- are they all extreme too?

It seems to me where "extreme" really comes onto the board in this game, is
at that place where someone once upon a time, got the brilliant idea, that
we should start putting fire to food. I mean come on, let's face it,
cooking food is a human-designed perversion from nature. I don't recall the
last time I saw Bambi sitting by the side of the river, boiling up a big
fat pot of greens. Or a gorilla frying up some mangos. Or even a lion
broiling its fresh caught Zebra.

I refuse to get into the debate on eating raw meat versus not. Not my place
to judge. BUT, the truth of the matter is, heating food does NOTHING to
enhance its nutritional value. I've yet to see anyone disprove that fact.
It seems logic and nature dictate for the best nutritive and non-toxic end
result, that raw foods supply the highest, most ready supply of nutrients
and enzymes for optimal healthy physiological conditions.

I haven't seen talk about this one yet, but how about the blatant condition
upon eating cooked food known as "leukocytosis?" (an increased
proliferation of white blood cells)

What about the cultures of people that eat a predominantly raw diet and
claim longevity? (Hunzas, Vilcabambians, etc.) Since it can be easily
demonstrated, very tangibly, that cooking food destroys its nutritve value
and enzymatic activity, it seems that eating all raw, or predminantly is
the best way to go. If anything is extreme, I would say that the fact that
human beings can take any perfectly balanced situation, haromonious and
symbiotic, and then put a twist on it contrary from the way it was meant to
be, (cooking food, tearing down thousands of acres of rain forest, pushing
pollution into the sky at tons per day, etc.) and expect to not have to
eventually answer to the consequences, well now to me, THAT is *extreme."

Just my nickel for the day.

Cheers all,   John