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Mon, 16 Feb 1998 17:52:24 -0800
John Leschinski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
I'd like to thank ALL OF YOU on this list that extended me a warm welcome
coming onto the list. Both those who responded on the list, as well as
privately. Thank you very much! We have some very nice, helpful people
here, and I'm glad to be part of it now. In reading some of today's posts
on the lists, it sounds like there is some downright blatant hostility and
arrogance expressed on some of these other "RAW" lists. Particulary on the
Bionomic one? Well, I'm just glad to say, I was scrutinous in picking this
list, basing my decision on the non-extremist attitude explained about the
list where I signed up from. I can really appreciate that.

Hi Kurt! You wrote:

>Find subbing info from the last health tip below...

Thanks for pointing me in that direction!

>Chet Day seems a real helluva fellow. He had a snailmail newsletter called
>Health & Beyond which was easily the most cutting edge raw newsletter
>around. He had some great interviews with all sorts of rawsters,
>culminating in the famous three-part interview with Ward Nicholson. I
>popped for all the back issues a couple years ago--delightful stuff!

In my searches prior to signing up here, I came across sign-up info on
Chet's newsletter. I'm not your model religious guy so I was kind of turned
off by the idea that it was connected with a spiritual message. I mean no
offense to anyone on the list here that's religiously oriented, I'm just
not. Being that you recommend it though, maybe I should take a look and see
for myself. Sounds like it may offer some good info.

>He is a real straightshooter and once in a while pops up on this list. I've
>seen people give him crap online cause the Hallelujah org sells Barley
>Green, but that seems pretty unfair to me...he's A-OK in my book.

I agree with you Kirt -- so WHAT if the guy sells Barley Green? I don't
understand why that would be a problem. Where's the problem there? It's a
healthy product isn't it? At least he's not selling HEROIN.

>Even the
>mix of religion and rawism found at Hallelujah acres isn't distasteful to a
>fellow like me, surprisingly. ;).

Admittedly, I was very intrigued by your comment here. Can I assume that
you, similar to myself, aren't real big on blending the Spirit world with
the Food world? LOL Once again, no offense to any spriritualists out there.

Hi Liza! You wrote:

>I think this is Chet Day's address:

THANK YOU for passing this along.

Hi Jean-Louis! You wrote:

>You don't need take so many precautions: self-introductions are always
>very appreciated! At least, bios are among my favorite posts (others
>bios are available in the list archives,
>http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/raw-food.html, as well as on jr's
>WWW page http://www.rawtimes.com/).

Thanks for your warm welcome and the info here.

>It is my opinion that most people on this list are "predominantly raw
>fooders", I can't be absolutely certain, since only 10-20% write

Thank you for filling me in, and thanks for ALL the info you supplied.

Well that's it for today. It's great to be here, and as I mentioned in my
initial post, I hope to make some good friends here, and learn all I can.
You sound and seem like a great bunch of people.

Have a great day!

John Leschinski <[log in to unmask]>